Eating Clean...Does It make A Difference???



  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    I think everyone has their own personal definition of clean...what personally works for them. For one person, this might be eating 100% organic. For someone else, avoiding chemical additives. For someone else, avoiding any manufactured foods at all.

    For me personally, I try to avoid as many chemicals, additives, artificial flavorings and colorings as possible. I have a personal list of no-no ingredients (ie: MSG in it's many forms, canola oil, soy, etc.) ....if a product has one of those ingredients, it doesn't make it into my cart. I also try to stick to 5 ingredients or less on the few manufactured products that I buy. Not always easy to do, but in this day and age, you can only do the best you can with what you've got, right?

    "Eating Clean" is a big world to explore. An adventure to be undertaken.....and in the end enjoyed!

    ETA: I also make as much as I can from scratch so that I have ultimate control over ingredients!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    The only difference I found was in my wallet. Eating 'clean' was more expensive and I didn't get any real benefit from it. Plus- no one can agree on the meaning and it irks me on a personal level lol

    I find a more moderate 'eat less crap' works better than 'eat only x or y'. I don't need another trip down eating disorder lane. If it fits in my macros- I eat it. And sometimes I eat it even if it doesn't fit in my macros :D Life is life and sometimes I am going to have some cake, damnit.

    Do I knock folks who DO decide to eat clean? Nope. Do I knock the idea that it's the 'best' or only way to lose weight and get healthy? Yep.
  • TonyaBtrfly
    TonyaBtrfly Posts: 118 Member
    The only difference I found was in my wallet. Eating 'clean' was more expensive and I didn't get any real benefit from it. Plus- no one can agree on the meaning and it irks me on a personal level lol

    I find a more moderate 'eat less crap' works better than 'eat only x or y'. I don't need another trip down eating disorder lane. If it fits in my macros- I eat it. And sometimes I eat it even if it doesn't fit in my macros :D Life is life and sometimes I am going to have some cake, damnit.

    Do I knock folks who DO decide to eat clean? Nope. Do I knock the idea that it's the 'best' or only way to lose weight and get healthy? Yep.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: THIS! :drinker:
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    The only difference I found was in my wallet. Eating 'clean' was more expensive and I didn't get any real benefit from it. Plus- no one can agree on the meaning and it irks me on a personal level lol

    I find a more moderate 'eat less crap' works better than 'eat only x or y'. I don't need another trip down eating disorder lane. If it fits in my macros- I eat it. And sometimes I eat it even if it doesn't fit in my macros :D Life is life and sometimes I am going to have some cake, damnit.

    Do I knock folks who DO decide to eat clean? Nope. Do I knock the idea that it's the 'best' or only way to lose weight and get healthy? Yep.
    I agree with your comment about the moderate way. Last night I had a biscuit and this morning, my mood went downhill, I started crying which is unlike me. 'Junk food' does seem to make my moods worse, which makes sense to me because of all the additives and such, but I think moderation is key. Also, I am not going to eat something I know I don't like just because it's better for me lol.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    It made a difference for me. We chose, as a family, to start eating clean at the beginning of April. I won't lie....we did it cold turkey and the first two weeks were a bit rough......mainly because I sat around sweating like a pig for no apparent reason (at this point I will chalk it up to some sort of detox) when I wasn't even exercising. On top of that, I lost about 25 pounds of my 32 pound loss due to this change in diet only. For me, clean means foods or ingredients as close to their natural state as possible....or a few manufactured foods that do not use chemicals (ie: organic ketchup). That means some things we might never eat again, but there are a lot of things that we actually find abhorrent to our palettes now. Some things will not be allowed back in the house, ever.......white flour (we use 100% whole wheat), white sugar (we use honey, pure maple syrup, coconut palm sugar), or anything processed like Doritos, crackers, or donuts from the grocery store. Plus I found out I can rock the homemade pizza (including crust), burgers (including buns), and ice cream better than anything I ever bought at a store or fast food place. Next week I am going to attempt some crazy layered chocolate birthday cake that only uses honey and maple syrup as the sweeteners in the cake batter. Wish me luck lol! The kids have already learned that if they want something "processed" to come and ask me if I can make a "clean" version of it.

    GOOD FOR YOU! :)
  • Emilit_uk
    Emilit_uk Posts: 87
    Eating clean in it's purest form is not something personally I would be able to stick to. I do eat natural yoghurt/granola etc. However, I do consider my diet generally 'clean'. I don't eat junk or highly foods, and I try to stick to wholegrains rather than refined carbs. I don't eat cereal bars because they are packed with sugar which isn' satiating and just makes me want to eat more.

    I can't do alcohol or fried food either, as I suffer from IBS, and these things really do a number on my digestive system....

    I think eating clean can allow you to lose weight; as from personal experience I feel more satisfied from eating this way. I also take more time and care planning and logging my meals rather than just grabbing something from the shops.

    Having said all this, I do allow myself a treat. I work REALLY hard, and so if occasionally I want to eat a takeout pizza, why should you restrict yourself if it's a treat?
  • KarinFit4Life
    KarinFit4Life Posts: 424 Member
    The only difference I found was in my wallet. Eating 'clean' was more expensive and I didn't get any real benefit from it. Plus- no one can agree on the meaning and it irks me on a personal level lol

    I find a more moderate 'eat less crap' works better than 'eat only x or y'. I don't need another trip down eating disorder lane. If it fits in my macros- I eat it. And sometimes I eat it even if it doesn't fit in my macros :D Life is life and sometimes I am going to have some cake, damnit.

    Do I knock folks who DO decide to eat clean? Nope. Do I knock the idea that it's the 'best' or only way to lose weight and get healthy? Yep. without cake would suck!!
    And I can tell you from personal experience that pizza breaks plateaus... Yes for real!!
    Of course you cant go bonkers and eat it all the time or even overeat in one shot! But moderate is key...and if it fits my macros...
    You have to understand the balance of it, where to draw a line, when too much is just gona screw with your health and weightloss.
    Eat 90% Clean, 10% not so clean. And you'll be just fine. Especially in the cravings department.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    <<<Do you consider Fiber One and Kashi clean food? If so, can you define clean food for me again?

    ETA: On reread that sounds rude... What I mean is that I thought those foods aren't clean either. Maybe I misunderstood what clean eating means?>>>

    Fiber One and Kashi might be clean but I would advise going slow if you're not used to them. Especially if you have digestive issues, lol. You wanna talk about gas and bloating...

    A few months ago I had to see a dietician. I'm diabetic and the doc said it would be a good idea. She stated the gas and bloating might be coming from wood rosin, which is put in alot of foods to add fiber. Has anyone else heard this? She was nice enough but she put me on too restricive a diet and some of what she said didn't exactly gel with what I've read and heard elsewhere. Just curious.
  • gorewhore13
    gorewhore13 Posts: 49 Member
    yes! Clean eating fuels your body and I've lost 3 lbs in a week and a half of clean eating.