Eating Clean...Does It make A Difference???

deevatude Posts: 322 Member
does anyone here have any testimonies on whether if they saw a difference in weight and energy when they eat clean vs non clean foods?


  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    I always feel much more tired if I don't eat cleanly.

    I'm not brilliant at eating cleanly generally but I can tell when I've had a bad day and it takes a couple of days to get back to normal.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 306 Member
    OMG yes, I ate dorito's one day and worked out two hours later. I thought the devil was coming to take me. I had never been so sick. Haven't touched pure junk in over 6 weeks. Never again.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I always feel much more tired if I don't eat cleanly.

    I'm not brilliant at eating cleanly generally but I can tell when I've had a bad day and it takes a couple of days to get back to normal.

    ^^^^ this!! ^^^^
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    OMG yes, I ate dorito's one day and worked out two hours later. I thought the devil was coming to take me. I had never been so sick. Haven't touched pure junk in over 6 weeks. Never again.

    do u notice weight loss?

    for instance i weighed 176 two days ago, i have been within 2000 calories and have been eating fried chicken for dinner these last 2 nights. now im back at 180. i have been stuck at 179/180 for the past 2 months.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    For me, when I eat clean, I feel so much more energetic. My skin looks better and I just feel better, in general. I do think it affects weight loss...well, for me it does. When eating clean, you're more likely to stay away from white sugar, white flour, preservatives and all the other junk that makes you bloated and lethargic. When your body is full of healthy, clean, nutritious foods, you have the energy and willpower to work out.
  • nettasaura
    nettasaura Posts: 173 Member
    It made a difference for me. We chose, as a family, to start eating clean at the beginning of April. I won't lie....we did it cold turkey and the first two weeks were a bit rough......mainly because I sat around sweating like a pig for no apparent reason (at this point I will chalk it up to some sort of detox) when I wasn't even exercising. On top of that, I lost about 25 pounds of my 32 pound loss due to this change in diet only. For me, clean means foods or ingredients as close to their natural state as possible....or a few manufactured foods that do not use chemicals (ie: organic ketchup). That means some things we might never eat again, but there are a lot of things that we actually find abhorrent to our palettes now. Some things will not be allowed back in the house, ever.......white flour (we use 100% whole wheat), white sugar (we use honey, pure maple syrup, coconut palm sugar), or anything processed like Doritos, crackers, or donuts from the grocery store. Plus I found out I can rock the homemade pizza (including crust), burgers (including buns), and ice cream better than anything I ever bought at a store or fast food place. Next week I am going to attempt some crazy layered chocolate birthday cake that only uses honey and maple syrup as the sweeteners in the cake batter. Wish me luck lol! The kids have already learned that if they want something "processed" to come and ask me if I can make a "clean" version of it.
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    I think it does. I've seriously cut back on lollies as I have a massive sweet tooth. A had a few with my kids during a movie night and afterwards I felt like I had a hangover and struggled to sleep. Massive sugar high, and previously I could easily have had more with no probs. I think our tastes change when you cut "crap" out. I couldn't eat mcds fries to save myself now, they just taste oily as.:noway:
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    For me, when I eat clean, I feel so much more energetic. My skin looks better and I just feel better, in general. I do think it affects weight loss...well, for me it does. When eating clean, you're more likely to stay away from white sugar, white flour, preservatives and all the other junk that makes you bloated and lethargic. When your body is full of healthy, clean, nutritious foods, you have the energy and willpower to work out.

    are low fat yogurts clean foods? i love bread and peanut butter, idk if that counts.

    i eat alot of fruits and have since started incorporating more veggies in my diet .

    do u think that junk foods cause the body to hold more water?
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    of course it does!!! you feel good from the inside out!! no more cramps, bloating, gassy feelings (sorry for sounding disgusting).

    The body needs time to detox itself. It took me just over 2.5 weeks to fully feel the effects of "clean" eating. Read my food diary and see what I eat on a daily basis. All of my foods are pretty much in it's natural state. Nothing processed, no chemicals, no preservatives.....

    "If I can't pluck it, shoot it, milk it or grow it, it doesn't enter my body".
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I think from "how you feel" perspective, eating clean certainly has its advantages. Our bodies are not designed to manage processed foods. They throw everything off.

    Having said that, I love junk food. I generally eat something unhealthy every day.

    BUT... as far as the weight loss goes, you HAVE to know what you're eating. If you're eating fried chicken... what fried chicken? How much oil is in there? How much batter? Is it a fast food place that has calories listed on a website? That may be the most accurate way of doing it but if you're just guessing a random MFP listing for your fried chicken you could be WAY off with your calorie estimates.

    I think the closest a food is to its natural state the easier to estimate calories accurately, so weight loss is easier to figure out. If you don't track accurately (i.e. throw in a cheat day that could be anywhere from 2000-6000 calories in excess) you don't know whether you're eating too little or too much. If you track meticulously and evaluate based on what is happening on the scale and with the tape measure, you'll have a much easier time of it.

    That's my experience anyway. FWIW.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    of course it does!!! you feel good from the inside out!! no more cramps, bloating, gassy feelings (sorry for sounding disgusting).

    The body needs time to detox itself. It took me just over 2.5 weeks to fully feel the effects of "clean" eating. Read my food diary and see what I eat on a daily basis. All of my foods are pretty much in it's natural state. Nothing processed, no chemicals, no preservatives.....

    "If I can't pluck it, shoot it, milk it or grow it, it doesn't enter my body".

    Do you consider Fiber One and Kashi clean food? If so, can you define clean food for me again?

    ETA: On reread that sounds rude... What I mean is that I thought those foods aren't clean either. Maybe I misunderstood what clean eating means?
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    of course it does!!! you feel good from the inside out!! no more cramps, bloating, gassy feelings (sorry for sounding disgusting).

    The body needs time to detox itself. It took me just over 2.5 weeks to fully feel the effects of "clean" eating. Read my food diary and see what I eat on a daily basis. All of my foods are pretty much in it's natural state. Nothing processed, no chemicals, no preservatives.....

    "If I can't pluck it, shoot it, milk it or grow it, it doesn't enter my body".

    Do you consider Fiber One and Kashi clean food? If so, can you define clean food for me again?

    how is it not clean? i have to get in fiber some how...and i'm not going to pop fiber pills. it's only 3/4 cup every morning. the rest of my day is alll foods in its natural state.

    what is your reasoning behind it? i am curious.

    I don't eat junk foods, or foods that are processed and preserved such as cookies and white flour products.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    can you define clean food for me again?

    Clean food is anything that grew out of the ground or had a mother.

    Granola bars are not clean. Neither is sweetened yogurt.

    But no one is perfect. Getting to clean is a process. Add fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, eggs, lean meats, fish, seeds, dried fruits, etc. All clean. The closer we get to eating like this the better for our bodies.

    Edited to add: I missed grains... fiber is found in many whole grains, nuts and veggies. No need for bran flakes. I like bran flakes tho :D
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    so clean is like being vegetarian?
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have to say the only things that make me feel like crap now is fast food..

    Anything else goes for me, but I do try and eat as healthy as possible as much as I can
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    can you define clean food for me again?

    Clean food is anything that grew out of the ground or had a mother.

    Granola bars are not clean. Neither is sweetened yogurt.

    But no one is perfect. Getting to clean is a process. Add fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, eggs, lean meats, fish, seeds, dried fruits, etc. All clean. The closer we get to eating like this the better for our bodies.

    Edited to add: I missed grains... fiber is found in many whole grains, nuts and veggies. No need for bran flakes. I like bran flakes tho :D

    Thank you. The definition I had for clean food was that it resembles it's natural state as much as possible. I thought the closer to the original or natural - short of eating a live chicken :wink: - was clean eating.

    NYChic, I did not mean to sound attacking. I was looking at your diary and thought I wouldn't see those products on it per my understanding of the concept. I merely wanted to know if I had it wrong. I eat very, very far from what my concept of clean eating is. I still eat a fair amount of processed foods and I cannot stomach brown rice and whole oats, for example. I also don't see any reason to force myself to like foods I don't like. It is not from lack of trying.

    In a sense, I was hoping that you'd tell me that my definition was too narrow. :flowerforyou:
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    The difference for me is food cravings. If I eat a lot of processed stuff I'm more likely to crave junk the next couple days & kind of have to transition back into eating cleaner. That actually happened last weekend. If I eat cleaner, I don't typically have problems sticking to my calorie & protein goals.
  • vatblack
    vatblack Posts: 221 Member
    The difference for me is food cravings. If I eat a lot of processed stuff I'm more likely to crave junk the next couple days & kind of have to transition back into eating cleaner. That actually happened last weekend. If I eat cleaner, I don't typically have problems sticking to my calorie & protein goals.

    I find this too. The cleaner the food, the better I feel. However, I have found out that I don't do so well with legumes? :sad: Now I can't eat diary or legumes. My options for protein is diminishing by the minute it seems. I'm experimenting - I hope to get there soon.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    so clean is like being vegetarian?

    Oh heck no. I'm more likely to become a meatatarian than a vegetarian.

    I said "lean meats" in my post, but really in all truth I'd call really clean eating sticking to organically raised meats and poultry... whole new can o worms... and eat less omnivore and bottom feeders (like less pork and shellfish - actually biblical restrictions for good reason)... grass fed beef, lamb, free-run grain-fed chickens. Staying clear of animals that eat GMO corn...

    Okay but I'm saying this and I don't eat this way because I have a family of 7 to feed on one income. We just buy meat at the grocery store, though we're thinking of buying meats from a local organic ranch.

    All real animal cuts are clean eating. Cold-cuts and chicken nuggets are not.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    For me I think there has been a huge difference, but it could be the combo of losing weight and eating better. To me, eating clean means less processed foods and more from natural sources.

    I second the cravings - if I eat more crap, I crave more crap.