to those who dislike Jillian Michaels



  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I like her. I don't like that she has endorsed products that confuse people. I mean they teach you (on BL and elsewhere) to stick to a clean, healthy diet along with exercise to stay healthy and lean yet they put their name on pills and such...blah!

    I have done her 30 DS and I just recently purchased her JM Kickbox FastFix DVD and it's a GREAT workout and it seems to go by very quick. I personally love that one.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member

    It's too early.

    I'm sure she's a wonderful person.
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    Well, for one thing, the Biggest Loser, which is the only reason anyone's ever heard of her, is a complete sham. It gives people a completely unrealistic set of expectations regarding weight loss and healthy living. Almost all of the contestants gain weight back after leaving the show- partly because they're not working out as much, but more importantly, they're manipulated into starving and/or dehydrating themselves to push their numbers down.

    Second, she's attached her name and likeness to a line of supplements that are the basis for several ongoing lawsuits. One of these products is called "Calorie Control" which promises, directly on the front of the box to "Reduce Caloric Intake". If that claim alone isn't enough for a lawsuit, then I don't know what is.

    Third, since leaving the show that's made her famous, she hasn't shied away from any opportunity to plaster her photoshopped likeness to any product. In addition to her line of supplements, she has books, DVDs, a treadmill, etc. All of these products offer claims that are unrealistic and give consumers a false sense of confidence. It's clear she's more interested in maintaining her fame than actually helping people to live healthier.

    Fourth, there have been multiple complaints about her qualifications as a trainer. Sure, she pushes her "clients" to work harder and give maximal effort, but often times this results in injury. Any trainer worth a damn has to have the health of their client as their highest priority, even if this comes at the expense of maximal effort. A trainer does need to push their client to work hard, but more importantly, they need to ensure that the exercises are being performed correctly in order to not only maximize their effectiveness but also to avoid injury.

    I couldn't agree with you more!!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't find her personality motivating.

    I don't agree with the supplements, methods and products she endorses.

    I don't find her workouts effective or challenging.
  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    I have some of her stuff and I'm not a fan as much as other trainers... like Chris Freytag. I dislike the fact that Jillian doesn't do the whole workout with you... instead she takes breaks and goes to help her background people. I can see form because I'm staring right at you. Why isn't she busting her butt in the video with me? It gets on my nerves. I like the videos where the trainer starts sweating just like you!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Because she puts her name on products that I think are detrimental to health, sustainable weight loss and creates a culture of misinformation. She's also part of the mainstream diet machine and that whole institution makes me twitchy.

    Simply put- I disagree with her. I don't know her personally so can't speak to her as a person.

    *sigh* and I'm sure someone will quote me in a reply and try to argue about my opinion because after all, this is MFP, and opinions must be fought over.

    I'm quoting you FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! jk. Honestly, she works hard to put her name on stuff she would injest and agrees with, she is careful when selecting, that isn't to say that she is right about everything at all times.

    I have a very high level of respect for her because I have purchased all her dvds, minus the new "p90x-like" one and I have never in my life enjoyed dvd workouts like I do hers. However... I do put her on mute and turn up some music, cause her crazy laughing and bad *kitten*-ness gets annoying. I do listen to her podcasts though, and she does know her ****. I won't knock anyone for not liking her cause everyone has different preferences..

    For instance... I can't stand Tony Horton...:tongue:

    I disagree. I think she knows about how to sell product and that's about it. :)
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Because she puts her name on products that I think are detrimental to health, sustainable weight loss and creates a culture of misinformation. She's also part of the mainstream diet machine and that whole institution makes me twitchy.

    Simply put- I disagree with her. I don't know her personally so can't speak to her as a person.

    *sigh* and I'm sure someone will quote me in a reply and try to argue about my opinion because after all, this is MFP, and opinions must be fought over.

    THIS^^ As I see it, she is part of the problem, not part of the solution. Her association with Biggest Loser doesn't help me accept her. The contestants on that show do not have a good history of keeping the weight off, and rapid weight loss is seldom sustainable or healthy. Being the one who loses fastest isn't really the way to be the most successful at it.

    Plus, I'm personally annoyed by the "rah-rah" cheerleader types, but that's just a personal preference.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member

    It's too early.

    I'm sure she's a wonderful person.

    Oh this sort of thing makes me VERY curious :)

    I don't hate her except when I'm doing a video. I think she's sort of goofy.

    I'm not aware of her other "business practices" though.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I love her - but I do call her a b!tch during any workout of hers I do.

    HAHA I thought I was the only one! I talk back to her every time. She'll be like PUSH PUSH PUSH and I'm like SHUT UP CRAZY LADY I HATE YOU! LOL Then when it's over I'm like *sigh* OK JM Thank you!

    Anyways - I like her workouts. I don't listen to all the hype and crap that comes with workout videos or the celebs that put them out. Research my brains out about diet/exercise and then just do work. DO WORK SON! That's the kicker - You HAVE to work to get results. :) I don't care who created the work, just that I'm doing the work and getting the results. :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Im a fan! Ive tried other workout DVD's and could never stick with them. They were either extremely boring or I wanted to kill the instructor. I've done 4 Jillian DVD's so far and she keeps me motivated, her workouts are tough and you see results!!
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 99 Member
    Im intimidated by her personally, I signed up for her web site a few years ago and it stalked the crap out of my inbox (felt like she was watching me!)..... That said... her work outs kick my hiney and thats exactly what I need!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    well one reason i can't stand her is bc she does KB wrong, like REALLY wrong! no way she should ever be teaching others how to do it since its a quick way to an injury.

    plus i can't stand how into herself she is. she just generally annoys me.
  • deez2015
    deez2015 Posts: 75 Member
    I like the workouts. I do them at my own pace, of course still pushing myself the whole way. I want the strength I'm feeling to last longer than 30 days lol. As for the biggest loser show and stuff, I don't agree with it. Too much too fast, not healthy.
  • monicaroozo
    monicaroozo Posts: 200
    I agree that she is a marketing machine...

    But having said that... her program physically got me to where I am at today. Can't say i've ever had any resemblance of a six-pack until I started working out with 30DS. For me, what she is selling actually did give me the results.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    I love her workouts! They make me try harder. I have used many other workouts in the past and they dont push me enough. She yells and motivates me! :)

    Me too, i find her "style" motivating. There are negatives to the workouts (my knees are not happy, etc,), but excellent whole-body workouts and it gets good results. I do a jillian video 2-3 times a week between my serious lifting days and kickboxing.

    But i like bootcamp style workouts and i'm fairly aggro myself so yelling motivates me so maybe she is just a good fit for *me*. I don't buy supplements so i don't care what else she sells, i'm not sure why anybody falls for that junk anymore. I've tried some of her recipes (borrowed the metabolism book from the library) and there was some good stuff in there.

    I'd like to see her do a SERIOUS weightlifting video someday, i think i would buy that. The stuff she does in her videos is high-rep w/ teenie weights, i think she could do better.
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member

    It's too early.

    I'm sure she's a wonderful person.

    Oh this sort of thing makes me VERY curious :)

    I don't hate her except when I'm doing a video. I think she's sort of goofy.

    I'm not aware of her other "business practices" though.

    I just made a comment on the look she constantly has on her face, like she hates the world and despises having to do anything. She also backs it up when she talks. ( I may have used the 'b' word, I dunno, it was uncalled for obviously :wink: ).
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    Well, for one thing, the Biggest Loser, which is the only reason anyone's ever heard of her, is a complete sham. It gives people a completely unrealistic set of expectations regarding weight loss and healthy living. Almost all of the contestants gain weight back after leaving the show- partly because they're not working out as much, but more importantly, they're manipulated into starving and/or dehydrating themselves to push their numbers down.

    Second, she's attached her name and likeness to a line of supplements that are the basis for several ongoing lawsuits. One of these products is called "Calorie Control" which promises, directly on the front of the box to "Reduce Caloric Intake". If that claim alone isn't enough for a lawsuit, then I don't know what is.

    Third, since leaving the show that's made her famous, she hasn't shied away from any opportunity to plaster her photoshopped likeness to any product. In addition to her line of supplements, she has books, DVDs, a treadmill, etc. All of these products offer claims that are unrealistic and give consumers a false sense of confidence. It's clear she's more interested in maintaining her fame than actually helping people to live healthier.

    Fourth, there have been multiple complaints about her qualifications as a trainer. Sure, she pushes her "clients" to work harder and give maximal effort, but often times this results in injury. Any trainer worth a damn has to have the health of their client as their highest priority, even if this comes at the expense of maximal effort. A trainer does need to push their client to work hard, but more importantly, they need to ensure that the exercises are being performed correctly in order to not only maximize their effectiveness but also to avoid injury.

    While I am sure you are right about the pills, I myself despise any type of diet pill also simply because it could be harmful to you and its not sustainable, I you really plan on taking those the rest of your life in order to lose pounds? You need to be able to do it with the food you eat and the exercise you do.

    BUT..I will have to disagree with you on the Biggest Loser Show. I do not think its a sham and I think its a wonderful show that helps people become healthy again, how to be healthy, how to eat, how to work out, and also deals with the underlying issues of what caused them to gain weight and give up in the first place. That being said, they do push them hard, very hard and that type of workout, or I should say the length of time isnt sustainable in real life. Should you lose 10+ pounds a week in normal life? No! But these are highly obese people who's life is on the line. Many are facing death in the very near future if they dont change and do something drastic and sometimes drastic is what is needed. Have there been injuries that have occurred on the show? Yes, but not a whole lot. They are under strict supervision of a doctor the entire time and the trainers work with them, they know their entire background and all about them. And they are not starving them, I think if Im not mistaken the women eat at 1200 a day and the men like 1500? either way, they both eat at least at 1200 and yes they do burn like 3500 a day or whatever high number it is, but they do eat and they aren't starving.

    And your quote about almost all gain the weight back is just simply false from everything I have read and seen. Yes some gain weight back. 40 to 45% will gain SOME of the weight back within a yr after the show. To me thats pretty good odds considering that these people where starring death in the face!! And is it the biggest losers fault that they have gained weight back? NO!! It is still all about their choices, their workout routines and what they feed themselves. And the biggest loser does a excellent job at trying to teach them how to live in real life with it, how to handle stress and temptation and they deal with issues that caused them to put on the weight in the first place!

    Some will go back and gain weight, alot dont!! But they are taking severe cases and trying to change their lives before they die. It is a show also...they want good ratings etc and they do things and show things that intrigue the audience and catch their attention but I bet you, you go and ask alot of the contestants how they feel about it and alot will say they owe their life to them!!

    Just my personal opinion though!:) :flowerforyou:
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I enjoy her workouts as I prefer DVD workouts to be fast moving and short to keep my interest! I'm not that bothered about her shouting and stuff either because I can pretty much blank it out - she's clearly just acting up for the camera :tongue: Being in the UK, I haven't really had the exposure to all her merchandise, but that would DEFINITELY put me off a bit. Can't be doing with pills and supplements.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member

    Just curious, I have seen a lot of comments about people not liking Jillian Michaels, or not liking her exercise DVDs.

    I love her workouts, I think her tips on technique are great, and they WORK!

    First of all it's not about "just liking her workouts." That is not my only criteria for a video workout, it's ONE criteria. There are literally HUNDREDS of trainers putting out exercise videos. Jillian is hardly the ONLY one out there producing a "good workout."

    When I want a good workout AND someone who does not annoy me .... I turn to Cathe Friedrich, Kelly Coffey Meyer or Michelle Dozois .... others turn to Chalene, Tony Horton and the list goes on. There are so many quality workouts .... why settle for something you have to mute?

    If you like her personality - great. If you don't keep looking. I realize big box stores don't carry Cathe videos ... it's not because she's not good at what she does ... she's excellent. Cathe Friedrich just does not have the PR background (or a reality show) that Jillian does.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    Bear in mind Biggest Loser is a TV SHOW - it's entertainment. Yes it can be motivational, maybe helpful in teaching some healthy habits. But mostly they want butts on the couch for advertisers ::shrug:: maybe i'm cynical but seriously, it's television.

    I only watched one season w/ the husband. We made a drinking game out of it. Took a drink whenever someone cried. If we'd decided to drink every time soeone yelled "last chance workout" we'd never make it through a show ... actually we generally didn't anyway, lol.