

  • hi there, I live just outside Belfast
  • +1 on the fridge and microwave. Also, make enough to do you 2 or 3 days and keep it in your fridge at home. It's more convenient than convenience food that so many people on here, including myself, used to rely on.
  • lost 4.5lbs last week, but I imagine the first week is a lot of water loss. So we'll wait and see what this Wednesday's weigh in brings. Can't wait for the lighter evenings to allow me to get out on my bike, new helmet purchased this week. One more thing, get down to JJB at sprucefield, their closing down sale is on and…
  • Hi from Northern Ireland
  • My tip for leftover xmas sweets: 1. Invite nieces and nephews round 2. Let them raid your cupboards 3. Give them back to their parents. Problem solved
  • Me, I do. Although it's my first time on these message boards. hi.