KyleBigler Member


  • Have you no decency? Don't you realize my kids sometimes see me on this site? Sheesh.
  • I just can't believe that in this day and age, we still have people who tie their self-worth to their running shoes. Like I'm not as important because I either didn't pay for a nice pair of shoes, or that I'm not worth their time because I'm not comfortable showing them off.
  • Thanks everyone! It was fun while it lasted! I wish they would have shown more of her last night, but the spotlight she received with her kids at the Dallas audition was more than she/we could have hoped for. I guess now I can just relax and watch the show, right?
  • I'm 36. SW 171; CW 160. GW? Not completely sure, but 150 is the number in my head. My goal is really centered more on how I look/feel vs. weight, so the final number may be something more or less than 150. I log all food and exercise each day and am looking to add more friends. I started out only using MFP on my phone, but…
    in 30's Comment by KyleBigler June 2012
  • Great job! Thanks for sharing the things that have worked for you. Always inspiring to see a transformation...even more valuable when I can take specific info away and implement it with my plan. Thanks and congrats!
  • Road bike. I also love running, but running is taking a serious toll on my joints. The amount of ground you can cover on a bike; the scenery change; the ability to significantly elevate your heart rate; the reward of stellar views after a long climb (not to mention the speed on the ride down!) and the fact that you can do…