

  • Your thyroid controls your hormones, liver, blood, memory, adrenals, and digestive system. That is why it's called the butterfly effect disease. If your thyroid drops low just slightly your whole body can be off. I have a low thyroid and that is why I lose so slow. I have to eat more protein than most because I am protein…
  • Hello ladies my name is Juanita. My husband has been in for 10.5 years. He started off as enlisted and commissioned 2 years ago as an officer. We are currently in Fort Leonard Wood where we are loving it. It's small and a nice change from Benning and Fort Hood. After 4 kids in 6 years I have had very any time to lose the…
  • It depends on your body I think. My husband lost a lot of weight the first month, but didn't lose much the 2nd. Mostly because for him he only had so much to lose. I and him don't do just Insanity. We do a various of things for muscle confusion and to increase our strength and weight loss. So since we got a weight machine…
  • I am starting off slow and will work my way up. May 6 - Elliptical 10 Minutes 115 calories burned
  • There are a lot of Army wives here...You can count me in too. Army wife for 7.5 years. After 5 kids looking to lose 55lbs. My husband is still n the Army and we are in Fort Leonard Wood right now. I am doing Insanity, Elliptical, and weights. Looking forward getting to our goals together.