

  • George Clooney Matthew McCaughney Morris Chestnut Very handsome men. There are a few more, but the board said name 3. :tongue:
  • That is my next goal to try pole dancing. You are correct it is a strength and endurance activity, not to mention fun, fun, and more fun!
  • I forgot about the chicken taco, I order that too. you are right the sodium content is ridiculous that is why I fill up on plenty of water.
  • Qdoba-Mexican gumbo Bowl. Taco Bell-Fresco Bean Burrito and one cup of ice water. Chipotle-Mexcian Bowl. This is typically what I order.
  • Be yourself. We are products of our environment. If you have grown up in a predominantly white neighborhood then you would tend to behave, speak etc like your counterparts. There are Caucasians that have grown up in a predominantly black neighborhood and are products of their environment. What is acting black? What is…
  • I am a Zumba Instructor and I was at a plateau even though I teach 6 classes a week. I added additional cardio to my routine. I workout at 5 am I am either on the elliptical or the treadmill. Once I have completed my combined 6 miles between the two I use free weights for my arms and do crunches. Then at night I teach…
  • Most women tend to have the bump, if you have had children or c-sections, or hernia removals. I would continue working on your core, and research foods that can cause the stomach bump you may need to stay away from. I have had all of the above; and no matter what I do I will never get rid of my bump. I dislike it and…
  • :smile: I have not heard of that. I would recommend researching this so you do not hurt yourself long term by attempting it.
  • I want to lose 50lbs. I am Z-fitness Instructor so I have a committment that I must keep. I teach 6 classes/week that does not include special events I may participate in. I was at a plateau to I have committed to jogging and walking 7 days/week at least 4-6 miles a day. I know this will help me reach my goal. I have a…