

  • You are probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat....which in turn also helps to burn more fat off. Try not to get discouraged, this could be a good sign that things will turn in your favor soon! Keep making healthy food choices and exercising and you'll see results for all of your hard work =)
  • Body Fat Percentage is the percent of your total body weight that is comprised solely of fat. Depending on how you are losing weight, you could be losing hydration and muscle as well as fat, which will change your body fat percentage accordingly. You may want to step up your protein intake and strength training to help…
  • I know what you mean!! A few of my friends have been on here for only a week longer than I have (I've been on here 10 days). They've lost like 15 pounds.......I've lost 1.6 pounds ~ less than 2 pounds!!!!! Grrrrr!!!! I am truly happy for their successes, but I'm also kinda pissed that I'm not seeing the same results. I've…
  • That WOULD be annoying!! Fortunately, I don't have those food ads on my screen tempting my willpower, but I do have ads for Old Navy and other shopping websites....I'm having a hard time NOT clicking on them to shop and spend money that I don't have on clothes that I'm hoping will be too big on me as long as I keep up my…
  • Hi, I just started my journey a couple of days ago and I have close to 150 pounds to lose, so I wiill be here for quite awhile......unless of course I find where the magic genie is hiding so he can snap his fingers and make the entire battle fast forward! =)
  • Love it! Will be printing it out pronto and hanging it on my fridge....and on my bathroom mirror.....and on my closet door.....and in my car.....and.......
  • Funny you should post this topic.....just now I was doing research on Hydroxycut for the very same reason! I haven't used a supplement before, but I would be very interested to hear an unbiased opinion from someone who has a personal experience to share and doesn't sell the product. (I've found in my experience that a lot…
  • You know I'm always in your corner....for the past 20+ years.....and for the next 80! You CAN do this. You are an incredible woman, wife, and mother, and I can tell that you are serious about making positive changes in your life. Count me in....we can do this together! Let's find a time that we can get together for walks…