

  • hello and welcome to myfitnesspal.. i too want to loose the baby weight off.. well i went back to what i used to weight after i had my son but then i started using the shot birthcontrol and made me gain a lot of weight and now its kinda hard to get rid of.. hope u get back to the weight u want to be.. Yari
    in Hi Comment by babygrl80817 June 2009
  • so how do u join this? i have a wii fit and also the jillian michaels game for it.. the jillian game works u out good but u need to use 2 numchuks instead of a remote and a numchuk... i would like to try out the EA games one sometime..
  • i have a wii fit also that would be cool if u can post through here
    in Wii Fit Comment by babygrl80817 May 2009
  • yeah u know i agree with ya lol... doc ones i weighted more also, who knows.. but hope u keep loosing weight and feeling great!