The Wii Fit Team!!!!!!!!!!



  • vrdavid87
    vrdavid87 Posts: 5
    I'm in! I just got it a week ago and I am trying to do 6 days a week/45-60min each day. I love it, it really got me back into my weight loss goals, I lost 5lbs my first week. Right now all I have are Wii fit and the sports, any suggestions on what else I can get?:smile:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I too would like to join, maybe I'll make myself do it more often if I have to be accountable!! I will commit to 3-4 days 30 mins at a time. Thanks for starting this!! :flowerforyou:
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    I'd like to join...I just use the Wii Fit for exercise on the Wii right now.
    I'll do 30 min 3-4 days per week in addition to treadmill/Shred/Bootcamp.

    Starting at 161 lbs.

    Has anyone got the new EA Active yet? Is it worth it?
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    thin4payton ~ I have the My Fitness Coach and love it. I use it for my cardio sessions every day. I would definitely recommend it.

    slm638 ~ I also have EA Active, but I've yet to start it yet. However, all the reviews, professional as well as user reviews have been quite promising, hence the reason I picked it up.

    vrdavid ~ I'd recommend the My Fitness Coach. I absolutely love it. Your workouts vary and they can be catered to your needs.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    i will join! I have the Wii Fit and really enjoy it.
  • babygrl80817
    so how do u join this? i have a wii fit and also the jillian michaels game for it.. the jillian game works u out good but u need to use 2 numchuks instead of a remote and a numchuk... i would like to try out the EA games one sometime..
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Here is the updated list - we have 15 people!!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!:happy:

    MissMessy - 3 days/week
    glendaz - 5 days/week - 30 mins
    Delphi - 400 mins/week
    CandaceW - ?????????
    Kolney - 3 to 4 days/week
    jam0525 - 3 to 4 days/week - 30 mins
    frankborelli - 6 days/week - 45 mins
    fitgal411 (me) - 3 days/week - 30 mins
    fitat41 - 3 days/week - 30 to 45 mins
    Thin4payton - 5 days/week - 60 mins
    vrdavid87 - 6 days/week - 45 to 60 mins
    jb_sweet_99 - 3 to 4 days/week - 30 mins
    slm638 - 3 to 4 days/week - 30 mins
    rmccully - ?????????
    babygrl80817 - ???????????

    Everyone who has question marks - please post the following:

    How many days a week you plan to use Wii Fit (or another Wii exercise program)

    How many minutes each day

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    just bumping this . . . forgot to do Wii Fit yesterday, so i know, i know . . . bad, bad me. I'm alternating it with the Couch to 5K program, so I kind of fall off-track:ohwell:
  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    I just bought the Wii Fit last night. My neighbor bought it a long time ago and we have enjoyed using hers on occasion, but it was time to get our own. What kind of challenge are we doing? I just started the Slim in 6 program, so my core commitment is to that. But I do plan on using the Wii Fit to track my progress and perhaps do some yoga. (And I like the hoola hoop game... it's fun and a pretty good workout!)
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    So when are we supposed / how are we supposed to post our wii fit time?
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    So when are we supposed / how are we supposed to post our wii fit time?

    Every week let's post our Wii Fit time and how we reached/ didn't reach our goals. You can say what exercises you did and your total time.

    Today I didn't cheat and did Wii Fit for 30 minutes. Hula hooping is a pain in the butt, but I love it!:tongue:
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    I was on my Wii Fit yesterday for 46 minutes.... 20 step aerobics and 26 rhythm boxing.

    No Wii Fit today... walked around a local island... 1.5 miles... 30 minutes...

    Will start keeping track and check in weekly.
  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    I was on my Wii Fit for over an hour last night... half cardio (hoola hoop and running) and half strength training.
  • Thin4payton
    Thin4payton Posts: 234 Member
    This sounds really bad, but I think I'm gonna have to cut my time down to 30 mins a day 5 days a week. I am also doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and silly me thought I could do an hour of wii after that! Yeah Right!!:noway: LOL!! I guess I was not really thinking before I pledged. I just got so excited!! :happy:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Whew! I just got done with Dance Dance Revolution (for the Wii). I did it for an hour and I am SWEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, my fingers are slipping from the keys, ugh.

    Thin4payton - don't feel ashamed about cutting your time. We all get busy sometimes. My trying to balance the Wii with Couch to 5K has been kind of hard, but I feel GREAT!:happy:

    Now for some blogging . . . what's your favorite Wii Fit exercise???????????
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    I really like the rhythm boxing but it can get old when you try to go faster than the machine allows. After that is the step and then all the strength training.
  • slm638
    slm638 Posts: 64
    I hear you about the the idea, but not really much of a work out when it's so slow. My husband even commented after I had been working out on the Wii for an hour that I wasn't even sweating...I did 62 min of running, boxing, hula hoop, strength training and some of the more strenuous yoga poses...started working harder with the plank/push ups and the lunges, but that's about it.

    I think I'll have to reserve the Wii Fit for the lighter days, but should be a good compliment with other days of treadmill or Shred video. Still will try to do 30 min 3/week though - I find it is good for working core strength, balance, etc.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I have found that the hoola hooping makes you break a sweat. Makes me a little dizzy, too . . . :tongue:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    :laugh: :happy: :laugh: YAY ... YAY ... YAY!! I just bought the WII Fit and have just put 30 minutes in. Woo Hoo! I've wanted it for soooooo long. Man ... I'm sweating big time. YAY ... YAY ... YAY!!:laugh: :happy: :laugh:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    :laugh: :happy: :laugh: YAY ... YAY ... YAY!! I just bought the WII Fit and have just put 30 minutes in. Woo Hoo! I've wanted it for soooooo long. Man ... I'm sweating big time. YAY ... YAY ... YAY!!:laugh: :happy: :laugh:

    I love how you're so enthusiastic about it!:happy:

    I only got in 2 days of Wii this week, because I'm doing Race for the Cure tomorrow. So excited!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: