The Wii Fit Team!!!!!!!!!!



  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Is it too late for me to join??? I just started MFP this month and one of my goals is to actually use my Wii a lot more! When I actually do my Wii I have's just the getting around to actually doing it! My goal is to use my Wii for atleast 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week!!!

    Join now! It's the start of a new week today - perfect timing!:flowerforyou:

    I look up "calories burned from Wii Fit" and just enter that for how many minutes I did. There are lots of threads on here talking about it.
  • ColinQ
    ColinQ Posts: 76
    We've had a Wii fit since Christmas and I've only been on twice:ohwell: :embarassed: I really must make an effort. My wife and I have both keep saying that and it never happens. She is usually quite tired when she gets home from work as she travels a lot. We need some MOTIVATION:explode:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Checking In:

    I exceeded my goal last week.

    6 days- 5 days 30 minutes and one day 20 minutes.

    Starting in July I am going to increase my goal to 4 days a week x 30 minutes each day, so that I can do 2 days yoga/strength and 2 days aerobics.

    I see we are getting new members - great and welcome.

    Good luck everyone and happy 4th.

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Well, I didn't meet my goal, Boo!! I only did 60 mins on the wii fit last week instead of 90 as I'd hoped. I did do the 30 day shred for the first time though, which put me out of commission for 3 days lol :grumble:
    Hopefully this week will be better!
    Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I have noticed that the motivation on this thread could be higher. Does anyone have any ideas to make it more exciting? Maybe some kind of challenge that has to do with the Wii?
  • kolney
    kolney Posts: 93
    I have noticed that the motivation on this thread could be higher. Does anyone have any ideas to make it more exciting? Maybe some kind of challenge that has to do with the Wii?

    I agree.

    Why don't we try to come up with a workout each week? The only hard part is everyone might not have the same things unlocked yet.
  • buttabean14
    Here's what I do on my Wii Fit every day:

    2 rounds of normal hula hoop
    2 rounds of normal step
    2 rounds of rhythm boxing (3 minutes)
    1 round of short run
    1 balance game (usually soccer ball)
    1 Yoga pose (usually warrior or half moon-they're two of the first ones)
    1 Yoga deep breathing
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I did an hour of Wii today. :happy:

    How about for a challenge . . . do the body test every day (you don't have to do the training . . . just take the test). Or every day that you can. Including the balance tests! What do you think? Or if anyone has a better challenge . . .
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I did an hour of Wii today. :happy:

    How about for a challenge . . . do the body test every day (you don't have to do the training . . . just take the test). Or every day that you can. Including the balance tests! What do you think? Or if anyone has a better challenge . . .

    I think that's a great first challenge, it helps to get us on the Wii at least!!
  • buttabean14
    I managed to do Wii Fit all last week except Saturday. Woo Hoo! It really helps me to have a Wii Fit routine to work through each time. :smile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I managed to do Wii Fit all last week except Saturday. Woo Hoo! It really helps me to have a Wii Fit routine to work through each time. :smile:

    Great job!:bigsmile:

    So, everyone . . . should we do the Body Test challenge???????
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:

    If it's muscle or water, and not fat, then don't worry! I always find my measurements more accurate than my weight anyway.:wink:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:

    If it's muscle or water, and not fat, then don't worry! I always find my measurements more accurate than my weight anyway.:wink:

    Thanks for the support FItgal, I've really gotta get a tape to take my measurements instead too, then I'll know for sure!
    Did you do your body test today? :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I only do the body test once a week. I've found a 2-3 difference between morning and evening. Since I can't do the body test at the same time every day, I just do it once a week on the weekend when I have more control over my schedule.

    I'm up to the body test challenge and will put my weekend results in if that is what we all decide to do.

    Measurements are important also. That shows true improvement in a healthy body.

    Maybe we should list all 3 things weekly: # of days & time, measurements and body test results?

    Happy 4th everyone and remember-moderation in all things (except watermelon) this weekend. Don't deny yourself something that you really love, just eat less of it and skip the junk you really don't want or need.

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:

    If it's muscle or water, and not fat, then don't worry! I always find my measurements more accurate than my weight anyway.:wink:

    Thanks for the support FItgal, I've really gotta get a tape to take my measurements instead too, then I'll know for sure!
    Did you do your body test today? :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to do it this afternoon when I get a chance to exercise. I'm packing to go to the beach (a whole week WITHOUT A WII!:frown: )
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Holiday and special events-

    This is a tip given to me from a weight loss clinic that I went to 30 years ago. I kept all the weigh off all of my adult life until I had children.

    If you know that you are going to eat an extra 1000 calories at a wedding or holiday party, then budget for it during the week before or the week after (or both if needed).

    1000 divided by 7 = 143 calories per day. Either cut 143 calories per day out of the 7 days before or after or if your already on a 1000 or 1200 calorie a day diet, do 143 calories of excercise a day to make up for it. Look at the total calories for the week and stay within your weekly limits and then go on with life. Enjoy your treat without any guilt.

    Good luck everyone!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Holiday and special events-

    This is a tip given to me from a weight loss clinic that I went to 30 years ago. I kept all the weigh off all of my adult life until I had children.

    If you know that you are going to eat an extra 1000 calories at a wedding or holiday party, then budget for it during the week before or the week after (or both if needed).

    1000 divided by 7 = 143 calories per day. Either cut 143 calories per day out of the 7 days before or after or if your already on a 1000 or 1200 calorie a day diet, do 143 calories of excercise a day to make up for it. Look at the total calories for the week and stay within your weekly limits and then go on with life. Enjoy your treat without any guilt.

    Good luck everyone!

    Hmm . . . that's a good idea! It does make sense, actually. I will try that for next week. Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:

    If it's muscle or water, and not fat, then don't worry! I always find my measurements more accurate than my weight anyway.:wink:

    Thanks for the support FItgal, I've really gotta get a tape to take my measurements instead too, then I'll know for sure!
    Did you do your body test today? :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to do it this afternoon when I get a chance to exercise. I'm packing to go to the beach (a whole week WITHOUT A WII!:frown: )

    I am incredibly jealous that you are going to the beach for a week!!! You'll be ok, just do a lot of walking/running on the beach and in the water. It will be a nice break to get away from the Wii for a week, you will probably enjoy it more when you get back!
    Have a great trip!! :bigsmile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I did the body test today just in case we were starting the challenge. I kind of wish I hadn't though, not a good start to the day!! I've been working out way more and doing the 30 day shred and I gained 3 pounds :devil: I know it is probably muscle I'm gaining or water weight, but man it really feels crappy!! :mad:

    If it's muscle or water, and not fat, then don't worry! I always find my measurements more accurate than my weight anyway.:wink:

    Thanks for the support FItgal, I've really gotta get a tape to take my measurements instead too, then I'll know for sure!
    Did you do your body test today? :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to do it this afternoon when I get a chance to exercise. I'm packing to go to the beach (a whole week WITHOUT A WII!:frown: )

    I am incredibly jealous that you are going to the beach for a week!!! You'll be ok, just do a lot of walking/running on the beach and in the water. It will be a nice break to get away from the Wii for a week, you will probably enjoy it more when you get back!
    Have a great trip!! :bigsmile:

    Thanks! :happy: Ugh, my balance board is out of batteries so I have to get new ones or charge them or something. So I'm just going to do Dance Dance Revolution again. And I was all motivated to do Wii Fit . . . oh well.:ohwell: