Thanks....I'll try the chips...what brand pretzels?
My Wii is always off 10lbs or so less. I believe it is wrong as my clothes fit as my home scales says that I am. I'm going to try a scale outside the home as now I'm curious. Usually the AM I weigh 3lbs or so less then afternoons - so that is usually factored in as well.
I love the yoga on the wii fit and some games for balance and flexibilty. I do not like the running on it and feel that running outside or on the treadmill gives me better form and endurance. I just got two biggest looser for xmas and have started one a little and like it.
I weigh in the mornings before my shower.
To me, 1200 seems to little. I'm guessing your body is in survival mode. I'd say increase your cal and your exercise.
Did you fool with the settings and then under diary settings? That is where you pick what you want to track.