

  • Good for you. I love potato chips and the way that I try to avoid them is by comparing servings. I could each those 12 to 20 chips (depending on what chips you like) but I could have half a bag of popcorn or a whole piece of fruit or even a bowl of cereal instead. I am all about not feeling deprived so when I find that I…
  • I think that it is great that you joined this site. I started off really well and then I stopped recording my food diary and it made a real difference. I stopped losing weight. If you keep the diary and interact with others you will be successful. I wish you only the best and hope that it works out for you.
  • that it is a special situation that would be impossible to replicate at home. If all you did all day was exercise you would lose a lot of weight too. I like the show because of the tips and because when I see people that are obviously out of shape doing the exercises it motivates me to try. I out of shape and overweight…
  • I think you should be proud. Losing any weight is a great accomplishment
  • Congratulations on joining this site. I just started about 4 weeks ago and it has been great. I have a lot of weight to lose but my main concern is my health. I have high blood pressure and I know that if I lose weight and exercise it will get better. My motivation is my son. Hopefully keeping track of your food and…
  • I am exactly where you are and I agree with Joani. We just need to give ourselves some time. I started with myfitnesspal just 10 days ago and I already can walk a little better and I notice that I can go a little further every day. Everybody is different. Don't ever compare yourself to someone else. You are already ahead…