staciebenware Member


  • Hi ladies! So here's some encouragement coming your way--we get to live in paradise with Jesus! I wonder what our heavenly bodies look like. Not to be concerned about weight or health anymore? Heaven with our loving God is our hope. Lets keep our eyes on Him and not our mirror. Let what we do for improvement be His will;…
  • God's word reminds us, though exercise profits us a little, growing spiritually is more important. Our main focus must be to take care of God's temple as a means to do His work, to love, to live the purpose He set before us. In my case, I care for my family of six, 4 children, my husband and I. I just had a baby, and while…
  • Must have been up with your baby girl, so cute! I'll hang with you, since I'm trying to be more diligent in all areas. My lazy bones are due for a wake up call! I'm hot and cold on messages, so if I don't get back right away, it's because life got a little hectic. I'll try my best...The joy of the Lord is our strength!
  • I have vericose veins in my right leg, and I never wear shorts. I wear support hose like my grandma! I hope to have killer legs by 40 and knock my husband off the couch...
  • HI, I'm Stacie. Let's get healthy--emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and--physically together! The Lord did not intend us to journey alone, otherwise Adam would be the beginning and the end of the story...
  • At least we're not alone. I thought I'd never get married--my booty, theighs, ankles, and especially CALVES form large tree trunks. Lo and behold, there are guys that learn to love that sort of thing, though I pray to wear shorts above my knee before I'm 40!