What made you decide to lose weight?



  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    When I was in 8th grade I was obese. I used to get a lot of nicknames mostly of something about big clumsy stuff. That was the time I became self conscious for first time and started to exercise. From then I never stopped exercising regularly, but even though I gained a normal body I couldn't go further than average body. I wanted to be more tonned, defined and muscular. For last two years I gained some bad food habits which made my weight reach an all time high of 215 lbs. This was my final turning point where I was fed up with myself. This happened in december. For almost a month I dedicated a lot of time to learn about exercise and nutrition. In January I was finally ready to start my transformation and since then I never went back. I'm loving my new lifestyle with healthy habits, and my body shape has never been better. I am now 185 lbs (30 lbs less) and still focused on getting better.
    I wanted to feel rewarded and more confident on my body, and that was a main reason of my weight loss journey. Just to be a better ME.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    1. Losing my dad in March
    2. Heart problems run in my moms side of the family.
    3. I want to do more with my husband and kids.
    4. When all the kids graduate from high school in 5yrs.
    My husband and I are planning to take a cruise.
    I want to be proud of myself, and not be looked at like a beached whale on the ship. :)
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    Running into a friend I hadn't seen in a while and she looked fabulous.
    We used to be in about the same place weight-wise. But no longer, she was 30lbs lighter.

    That was my Ah-ha moment. I had been wanting to do something to lose the weight, but until that moment, I never really did anything about it, except a lot of thinking and wishing. When I saw how great she looked, it was my motivation to really take a long hard look at myself, at what I ate, and how I really felt about myself. I made the decision that this was my time..and if I wanted a healthier me, then I'd have to do something about it and stop just wishing for it.

    Since then I've changed the way I eat, what I eat, when I eat, and how I work out. I started fueling my body instead of stuffing it with junk. And so far so good. :smile:
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    just tired of being sick and tired:noway:
  • steinbok
    steinbok Posts: 82
    Body ailments in my early 30s.. Too early to start having aches and pains. So, did something about it. Haven't looked back in nearly 20 years.
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    When I saw my photo from my holiday party last year. I was mortified. It was the last straw for me, so I am changing what I don't like about myself -- my weight!

    The hope of looking in the mirror and liking what I see someday is what keeps me motivated. I see a tiny bit of progress so far, and I love it. I am never going back, only forward!
  • Keeshaja
    Keeshaja Posts: 198 Member
    I had my last baby and had heart failure ...so I had to make a choice and Im choosing to live :heart:
  • ddemonch
    ddemonch Posts: 16
    I decided to lose weight because I was tired of being self conscious. I was always admiring women who had a nice body and I thought it's time for me to be proud of my body. I just don't want to be associated with being overweight and unhealthy. I want to be able to pick up any type of clothing a look good in it.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Well, I had been feeling crappy for a while, but in July, I moved to a new apartment building with a gym right downstairs... Basically, I had run out of excuses to continue doing what was making me miserable.
  • I do a lot of camping and music festivals with my 20something kids and their friends. I hurt my back awhile ago and realized if I was going to continue to live the life I love at my age, I was going to have to get in shape. I am feeling like superwoman now!
  • staciebenware
    staciebenware Posts: 7 Member
    I have vericose veins in my right leg, and I never wear shorts. I wear support hose like my grandma! I hope to have killer legs by 40 and knock my husband off the couch...
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    My son, husband & I went out to the country for lunch one day. We sat by the lake & had fish & chips as usual. I had lost 7kg by this time & thought I looked great. I felt great.

    We were finished lunch & I was standing there admiring the swans that had descended upon us during our meal. Hubby had my camera & was taking photos of them. He snuck in a photo of me.

    I didn't know about this till we got home. I looked through the photos on the laptop & came across me.


    It was the 1st time I'd seen myself like that. I thought I looked great at the time.......but this was how others saw me.

    I cried my eyes out. That was 101 days ago. I've lost almost 20kg so far (38lbs) and I now workout every day. Hubby looks at me like I've always wanted him to look at me, he can't keep his hands off me. Son can get his arms around me to hug me. I can now throw away my size 20+ clothes (although the tops I kept cause I love baggy tops to sleep in) and I can now walk past a shop & know I'll fit into that size 14 that is there.

    I wanted to lose weight cause I was sick of the clothing size. Then I did it because of the photo. Now I'm doing it because I love it.

    Plus I have a back injury that stops me from working. Now I'm so fit & ready to go back to work (all without them knowing what I've been doing & they have no clue how fit I am now) that it's driving me nuts.
  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    I was terrified I would be asked when I was expecting. I was 5'4" and 173 pounds with a big round baseball belly, huge arms and did not want to buy size 14 clothing. Now, 14 months later, I'm 126 and a size 2.

    Edit: MOTIVATION, to stay in the size 2 clothes!
  • StarvingKyy
    StarvingKyy Posts: 88 Member
    i lost weight so that i would never be called fat again.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I always wanted to lose weight. I think the better question is, "when did you decide to get fit?" For me, this isn't just about dropping pounds but rather about getting lean, strong, and fit. That happened about halfway through my loss.
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I had jeans that were several years old that had holes on the inner thighs from my legs rubbing together when I walked. I honestly thought that it was because they were so worn. My husband and I were financially struggling so bad that we had to save up to buy me new $40 jeans. Within 3 weeks, there were holes in my new pair. This was a HUGE wake up call for me that my thighs were rubbing together because I was over weight and I was so imbarrassed about it that I didn't tell him about my jeans for another month. This whole time the holes kept getting bigger and bigger. I decided it was finally time to loose some weight.
  • byrnet18
    byrnet18 Posts: 230 Member
    The first reason was that I didn't want to get diabetes. Then I wanted to get in shape to be able to keep up with my husband who loves to climb mountains. It seemed like after losing the first 30 pounds I was in a good routine and I loved buying new clothes and also seeing my endurance increase. I've lost 80 pounds and I feel amazing. It is so cliche but seriously if you're reading these posts looking for inspiration, start today and stick to it. It's amazing how much you will change if you just stick with it. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it. I was over weight my entire life, and now I am comfortably in the healthy BMI. I never would have thought!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Diabetes and lots of medications. :noway: I just think about my reason for starting to get fit and focus on my goal of living and enjoying a long healthy life.
  • christyb77
    christyb77 Posts: 30 Member
    :ohwell: Oh wow! i feel the same way. I hide behind the camera, envying everyone else because I want to be the gorgeous one taking pictures with my kids, but instead I refuse. It hurts my heart so very badly.
  • christyb77
    christyb77 Posts: 30 Member
    I agree Victoria, I do the same thing. I have all of 180 pounds to loose.
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