eatinghappy Member


  • Awesome to see and hear all of your posts! Today let's reflect on how we share our beauty with others... How do you share your beauty with others? I volunteer at my church and share my gifts with others through a prayer ministry, a support group, a women's ministry and earlier this year at a Beth Moore women's retreat!…
  • but besides the obvious stuff what keeps you from wanting to become a smoker again? Hi! Congratulations on your quitting smoking journey!! That is F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S... Oh my, oh my, how many times I have craved a cigarette to ease my day-to-day struggles. One time I even (after a few glasses of wine) asked my smoking friend…
  • The purpose of drinking water before a meal is to fill your stomach so you will eat less and still feel satisfied. Water actually helps you to better absorb the nutrients and digest the foods you eat. It also keeps you hydrated. During this time of the year (with a bit of chill in the air) I drink hot decaf tea between…
  • Read this after my workout today! I am in Georgia so the weather is autumnly (68 and sunny). I will spend a few minutes getting my vitamin D in a short while! Thanks for the suggestion. I think we will be in the 70s over the weekend. Autumn is so wonderful after the heat. Blessings, tlc
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! Experiment with all of the options at the gym: classes, strength training, personal training (do you get a free personal training session?) be sure to take advantage of this option - the trainers can be super helpful; try pilates, yoga, spin. Find your "fit" and persevere! You are an awesome woman on a…
  • Great stretches! I could tell I needed stretching in my calves and my hips! Don't stretch out those hips nearly enough! Great remedy. Perfect timing, too cuz I just finished my Firm 20 minute blaster that hardly has any stretching. Thanks! Have a great day. tlc
  • Eggs are wonderful! I love eating them this time of the year for breakfast with toast. Usually I make a 3 egg-white omelette with a pinch of lowfat cheese, toast and a banana. I also make a batch of hardboiled eggs every week for quick snacks. As hard boiled goes, for snacks I like a BLT salad. Any type of green lettuce or…