davidlaplante Member


  • One pound per week is awesome! If you were losing more previously that's probably more water than fat. Use healthy fats (grass-fed butter, organic expeller pressed coconut oil, etc.) to (a) destroy hunger cravings and (b) feed your brain with happy fats that curb depression. Sugar (carbs) is just like a drug to your brain.…
  • Awesome. Stoked for you! It's all BS until you see your own results!
  • Obviously organic. That said, I don't think I've ever seen a non organic coconut oil. I always look for expeller /cold pressed. No point in eating it if it runs the risk of being oxidized in even the slightest way. Spectrum brand is my preferred brand. Mainly because it's at the local co-op I shop at. :…
  • Sweet potatoes are a great high calorie carb. Smother it in KerryGold butter. Aim for a low-carb diet rich in healthy fats. You'll eat less (healthy fats crush you're hunger once you've fat-adapted your metabolism) and feel better. 60-70% of my calories come from fat and I stay at 8-10% bodyfat w/o having to worry about…
  • It's easy to say "don't feel awkward" but that covers up the reality of why you posted. So dig deep into understanding why you feel that way and look for ways to reframe that assumption. Know that 99% of the people who go to the gym have some significant insecurity that drives them there and keeps them coming back. Mind +…
  • As long as you keep the carbs at 100g or less (preferably from veggies, not wheat) up you healthy fat (grass-fed butter/beef, cocoa oil) to satisfy your hunger/energy needs. Keep your protein up as well.
  • It will take 2-4 months for your tastebuds and body to fully adapt to liking/preferring the taste of veggies. You're body will adapt - but it will take some time. Stick with it. You'll be surprised in 4 months how a red pepper tastes like candy. Or a fresh tomato. Organic tastes better pretty much always. Go paleo. Strive…
  • I'm from Aspen/Crested Butte but now live in Tahoe. I enjoy not having frostbite anymore 8-)
  • I know what you're going through. Breaking consumption habits tied to social habits are 10x as hard! Ultimately you have to replace the statement "and to top it off we go out on Thursday and I like to drink!" with "and to top it off we go to the gym on Thursday nights and I like to workout!". Or something else like going…