Missmandy33 Member


  • You guys. I am so frustrated. So, so, so frustrated. Ate well all week (not perfectly, but well!), exercised 5 of the 7 days...AND I GAINED 2.4 POUNDS. It's probably TOM weight, but I am so mad. I have to keep focused, because when there's a setback like this, I end up wanting to eat all the foods. I just want to be out of…
  • I lost .8 lbs to hit 10 lbs down overall! I'm super happy about that! I'm also glad that I don't have any more trips planned until the very end of October. I travelled EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND this month, which is part of the reason I only managed to lose .8 lbs over the course of the month. Oh well...I had some fantastic food…
  • Going back in the right direction! Of course I didn't lose alllll of the weight I managed to pack on last week, but at least 1.4 lbs of it is gone. Why is it so easy to put on weight and so hard to take it off? SW: 178.6 LW: 173 CW: 171.6 GW: 150
  • SW: 178.6 LW: 169.4 CW: 173 How to gain 3.6 lbs in a week? Step 1: Go on a vacation during the first weekend. Eat fried food and ice cream. Don't workout. Step 2: Have two days of eating well and working out. Step 3: First the second half of the week, go on a stressful work trip. Forget your sports bra so you can't work…
  • Had a good week after a not so great loss last week! SW: 178.6 Last week: 171.8 Current: 169.4 So 2.4 pounds gone over a week (makes sense because last week I was holding some water weight from that TOM), and 9.2 overall! Wooo!
  • Starting Weight: 178.6 Last Week: 172 This Week: 171.8 Only .2 off, but it is that time of the month. Even though I know that I tend to hold (and sometimes gain weight) during this time, it's still frustrating because I had a pretty solid week, and seeing the scale barely move is demoralizing. Gotta keep going though!…
  • NSV = Non-Scale Victory I just figured that out last week!
  • Down 2.2, which feels awesome! I had a good, consistent week. Still waiting to see a difference in how my clothes fit...maybe when I get into the 160s!
  • I'm excited to join! I lost 40 lbs last year...then gained 25 back. I avoided the scale for a while, but I'm ready to take control and lose those 25 again! Name: MissMandy33 SW 178.6 GW 150 BMI 27.6