

  • Congratulations!!! No one knows how big of a deal that is unless they've done it. Great work! After MFP, I look back on past weight loss attempts and realize it didn't work because I had no idea what I was doing. It's really a pretty specific technique to whittle the weight off and not mess up your metabolism, or in your…
  • If you want to keep the shake but nix the sugar, Gensoy makes a natural soy protein powder that has no sugar at all. 110 calories for a 3 heaping scoop serving. 39 grams of protein! I stick it in the blender with 2 cups of 8th Continent Soy Milk (I'm allergic to real milk), a couple ice cubes, a bit of unsweetened cocoa…
  • Hi Glam. Aren't men annoying like that? :tongue: Mine does it too. Do you do the grocery shopping? If so, maybe you can both get healthier. I've found that my finance eats whatever's put in front of him. I bought the sugar free Jello pudding snacks (60 cals- Chocolate tuxedo - yum- and they have Oreo ones too!) and the…
  • Thanks guys. :happy: Isn't it so weird to think you're not eating ENOUGH on a diet? I read all the posts about eating your exercise cals (which I wasn't doing, even on the "lightly active" setting). Now I know that, I bumped it up a bit. I like the idea of going half way on Active and Lightly Active. Smart people are out…