

  • I personally don't worry about natural fats like from butter and beef i try to avoid the unnatural ones like margarine but really it comes down to your cholesterol have it checked once a year but fats are a widely debated topic i have a friend that is 46 and eats a whole stick of butter a day his cholesterol is normal and…
  • Nice... I really like what the author has to say
  • my advice is anyone not in professional competion eg getting paid for pain and a good healthplan should never cut weight granted cutting weight can give you a single match edge in the long term its better to compete at your normal weight youth weight cutting practices should be discouraged as they can lead to long term…
  • well don't be let down by slow gain...slow gain is most often quality gain and maintainable fast gain is usually easily lost and easily got bcaa brach chain amino acids are reported to help in cases where nutritive intake is close to minimum necessary levels you may need to shock your body try working out 4 days a week or…
  • Mike MENTZER get his early books had great results when stuck at plateaus i would bust thru them i only used his method when i would get stuck like 235 was really hard for me to get past for bench press using MM style pushed thru to 290
  • well, to be honest that info is very limited to diagnose it may be your training style types of carbs slow / fast types of protein slow / fast amount of bcaa's electrolite levels but I would suspect you may be working out too much as an offhand guess or possibly working out improperly not sure as to what ur training…
  • yes, do not view training as a "time" or set aside "thing" it is continual....when u lift that box up lift it ten times when you go up that flight of stairs go up em then down then up then down then up who says training stops look for the little things you can do all day long never lock your training in the gym
  • Drink a full glass of ice cold water, thats what a friend of mine does that way if you do have to eat the water helps to make you feel full and possibly eat less, and remember that it has taken years to learn to be an emotional eater so it will take some time to unlearn it
  • Nice, lots of good info balancing the wide world of protein lol while whey contains the highest levels of branched chain amino acids, egg protein contains the highest levels of alanine, methionine, phenylalanine, and valine, and soy provides more glutamine and arginine than any other protein. Also, during…
    in PROTEIN Comment by bluetzu May 2012
  • I just want to get back to my normal size 150 lbs... after fighting an illness I was left at 129 lbs.... sounds not too bad right? except I am 6'1" pre illness 150 lbs max bench 290 3 times post illness 129 lbs max bench 140 2 times surgeries to go: 2 patients: fading fast eating 3,000 calories a day: atm a pipe dream
    in Starting off Comment by bluetzu May 2012