

  • Bring a small cooler. They have some cheap, affordable ones that easily fit a lunch and some snacks. Bring your own food. If your friends give you grief, tell them you are trying to save money. Cook meals at home, and take them with you. 80% of the time the food you make will be better than the cr&p thats out there, and…
  • Oh yeah. SLEEP! SLEEP! SLEEP!
  • Lot of people at my box cycle between bulking up and dropping off to get the BF% super low for their weight classes in competitions. Food: - Peanut Butter. Lots and Lots of peanut butter. Were talking jars. - Cook with butter. - Glass of milk with every meal. - Ice cream. Body: - Cut out cardio. Take at least 2 minutes…
  • - I could not date someone who doesn't respect a women's right to choose. - I could not date someone who is 'active' in Scientology. I don't want to get into a debate about these issues on a fitness site, so flame me on PM so I can just block you. Chris
  • I CrossFit. I'm there for about an hour 6x a week, which includes warmups and the Workout. Usually I lift heavy 2x a week (Olympic lifts) and run MetCons the other 4 days. Its tough. CrossFit is NOT a weight loss program. The exercises are designed for extremely intense, short efforts with relatively heavy weights. Do…
  • We can't see your food diary...Help us, Help you.
  • To "tone" you need to make muscle and lose body fat. If you don't get rid of the layer of fat over the muscle, they can be big, but you won't get "toned" Pull-ups, DB Push Jerks, DB Rows, Medicine Ball Cleans, Push Presses, Back Extensions on a GHD Rig. These all work multiple muscle groups, which include some muscles in…
  • I got a hernia in my groin doing Back Squats. Not really CrossFit specific injury though. Lot of people that lift heavy at my Box have had them. It's kind of like a birth defect, if you have a weak lining there, its gonna happen.
    in injuries Comment by CWSpiegel July 2012
  • While it may not be as refreshing, drinking room temperature water is easier to gulp down. As soon as I wake up, I chug bottle of water. Gets 2 cups in right away. Does it work for weight loss? Dunno. It fills you up. I've heard stories about a pint of water very first thing in the morning speeds up your metabolism, but…
  • Apparently I'm like someone from Panama. However... BMI CAN not be accurate for a lot of people. People are built differently.I'm 5'7,160 lbs, but have 39 inch shoulders and a 31 inch waist. I have somewhere between 10-14% bodyfat, depending if I'm in a muscle gains or a fat loss cycle. No doctor would classify me as…
  • Make it yourself. - Roast Chicken Breast with Skin on, Bone in. Remove skin and bone. Cut into chunks. - Sweat 1/2 Onion, clove garlic in saucepan with 1 tbsp olive oil. - Add One tablespoon flour. Continue to cook until flour begins to brown. Do not burn. - Add 2 Cups of Chicken Stock, slowly, and stir on high heat until…
  • As a lot of people said, you need to eat more. Without going into wether 'starvation mode' is a myth and the rest of it, your body needs to repair all the damage you are doing to it. CrossFit isn't Zumba. It's also not a a fat-loss program. Sure if you eat strict Paleo at a slight deficit and crush metcons 5x a week you…
  • I spend a few hours cooking on Sunday afternoons to pack the fridge with stuff, so matter what type of craving I have, I can get something for it. - 3 Bean Turkey Chili - Pasta Salad with Dreamfield's CarbSmart Pasta - Chicken and Green Chili Taco filling - Chicken Noodle Soup - Tuna Salad I also love those Digiorno 200…
  • I'm from Manhattan originally. Working in customer service would require me to be nice and have patience....
  • VeganPanda, you look like a State's Attorney. Not that I have any experience with those people *cough*
  • Nope. That would require math and drawing skills, of which I have none of.
  • I think Mbelt004 looks like a Vet. Well, she looks like my vet.
  • Drinking, especially to excess, will sabotage your weight loss. Besides the 'empty' calories, it's filled with sugar, which could bring back cravings for sweets the next day. More importantly, it impairs your judgement. That double bacon cheeseburger and milkshake is a lot more tempting after chugging a few beers. I know…
  • 27, 28 in August. Adds welcome.
  • I like to have homemade 3 Bean Turkey Chili on hand. I make it about once a week, costs about 8 bucks, and is loaded protein and veggies. It's about 300 calories a serving (8 Servings), depending on what you make it with, but you can always add some sour cream or shredded cheese to add another 100 or so on top. Make it…
  • 2 months ago, I hated washing my jeans because it took me two days to get them stretched out enough to be comfortable. Now, I have to wash them almost every time I wear them so that they fit properly. Oh, and a cougar pinched my butt on the 4th.
  • KVF323 is gorgeous. Love that look.
  • I'm technically single. My puppy thinks she's my girlfriend though. She wont share the bed.
  • Just a heads up. Most "globo" gyms won't let you do Oly lifts, with or without a trainer, because of the inherent risk of injury with explosive-complex moves. I know when I was at Gold's, they would only allow Oly lifts on Sunday before 8 am to discourage others from doing them, and everyone lifting had to pay an extra $5…
  • Eat more. Strength train. Your body is probably getting used to walking, so it's having less of an impact. Don't give it up by any means, but add some HIIT or metabolic conditioning stuff: quick sets of pushups, pullups, squats, box jumps with little to no rest in between. Keep it short and sweet so you go all out.
  • I'll post my post-hernia surgery PR's. Had the surgery in early April 2012, so been back at the box about 2 months. I'm 5'7", 163 lbs Power Clean: 165 Squat Clean: 135 Push Press: 130 Strict Shoulder Press: 120 Power Snatch: 130 Back Squat: 165 (This could easily be higher, but I go easy cause of the hernia) Front Squat:…
    in PR's Comment by CWSpiegel July 2012
  • "The world breaks everyone, and afterword many are strong at the broken places." Hemingway, "A Farewell to Arms"
  • 12 Minute AMRAP: 20 Foot Rope Climp 15 Bar Pushups (If you can't do a rope climb sub 15 ring rows with feet on a 20" box) 5 Rounds, on the dot. My triceps have never hurt this bad. Ever.
  • Eric, Most of us belong to "Boxes" or registered CrossFit affiliate gyms, which provide the WOD (workout of the day). It's nice having a program to follow. Usually, these are customized WODs so that members are getting a good mix of heavy, olympic, and metcon in their routines. My gym has a WOD for beginners,…