gramarye Member


  • The long and short of it is that you can either find ways to indulge your period cravings that don't derail your goals, or you go off-plan for a few days and come back strong when the wave of hormones passes. I've done both; I'm at the tail end of my period now, and it was an okay one. My runs were weak as hell because I'm…
  • Ooh, yes, that one too. So many of my early boyfriends were into getting to do things "first" and in retrospect it's like, "Dude, much like in the comments section, it doesn't *kitten* matter who got here first." There's a huge fear of women who are in control of their sexuality, and it shows in how we treat the women who…
  • Okay, so I never online dated because it's not for me, but from my perspective: I'd rather not have a guy I just met mention my weight to me at all. When I'm ready to talk about how I feel with my body, it's with someone who I'm already comfortable in my body with. I fully respect that not everyone is into everything --…
  • At the end of 2012 I was 290, and 24 or 26 in jeans. (I also wore a lot of "W" sizes, so YMMV.) Currently, I'm 190 and I float between 14 or 16, depending on the brand and the time of the month.
  • It also seems to play into this weird ideal where we as women should cling to things that are girlish (our hairlessness, our lean bodies (except the boobs/butt, obviously), and our "natural" looks) while still being available for society to objectify. The things that mark one as an adult women are things that have been…
  • Dianne, please marry me, kthnx.
  • Just to be completely contrary, "weight X by date Y" can also set people up for failure, either because they aren't giving themselves a realistic timeframe to lose in or because they get discouraged when life happens and that timeframe doesn't work perfectly. Or both. (I actually 100% agree that goals with defined and…
  • What did you set your goal to: to maintain your weight, or to lose? It sounds like you might have selected maintenance when setting up your profile instead of loss. You can check by clicking the "My Home" section (the main page when you load up MFP) and selecting the "Settings" sub-heading. Choose the "Update diet/fitness…
    in confused Comment by gramarye April 2016
  • Okay, so I'm actually in the camp where I think this is fine -- because both buying and receiving gifts is awful, and even simple honeymoons are expensive. I also tend to give cash in cards for weddings, because I don't make a lot of money and would rather they use the small amount I can offer to go toward something larger…
  • Except I didn't. I used @diannethegeek as an example because I know her, and I know for a fact that our bodies are shaped differently. And even if they were the same exact body, I would defer to how SHE feels in said hypothetical bikini, not how I would hypothetically feel in said hypothetical bikini. I think we're having…
  • No one is obligated to find anyone else attractive. That's not why people get up in arms about the cultural attitude toward imperfect bodies in bikinis. The problem is: * being demeaning and dehumanizing about it (such as, say, comparing people to animals) * confusing "I am not attracted to that person" with "that is not…
  • This is all really interesting information; I didn't know any of that about mileage. I've been trying to work up the nerve to venture over to the weight room on Tues/Thurs, because I know it's a good decision for my overall health, but social anxiety keeps me out. I'm working toward it, lol; I got as far as walking in…
  • Oh yes, sorry if I was unclear. I've been working up to running sporadically for years -- I tend to dip off in winter, etc -- and since the beginning of the year I'd been either walking or jogging 4 -5 days a week. So it's less jumping in from nowhere, and more using C25K to (hopefully) improve my running endurance and…
  • Cool, thanks! I'm not very fitnessy (running is the only thing I actually like), so it's a blind spot for me. I don't always trust my instincts there, lol.
  • This. I started at 26, 5'2", and 290 pounds, and have lost 100 pounds. That said: it's taken me close to three years, because of how I choose to eat and prioritize. I think telling you to drop 45 pounds by July and only consume 1,000 calories per day is setting you up for failure. I think you find the vast majority of…
  • I really thought depression was going to kill me after a gut-wrenching divorce, and you might be surprise at how much easier it is to focus on your own needs and your own goals when you're not also trying to compensate for the emotional needs of a person who stresses you out. My ex didn't abuse me -- and your boyfriend…
  • So, the honeymoon period is a powerful time. Personally, I could love a potted plant in the first few months of a relationship. (And I've had boyfriends that turned out to be about as interesting as a potted plant once we hit month four.) Have fun, and don't feel like you have to reign in -- but also don't get too invested…
  • I chew a few sticks of gum a day, and I don't count that. I only every log 1 cup of black coffee, regardless of it I have 8 or 24 ounces that day. (It's usually around 16.) I do, like many people here, log any creamer or sugar that might end up in it.
  • I log my weight daily in MFP (which syncs to Fitbit which syncs to Trendweight). I turned off the feature that tells my friends whenever I log a loss, and don't stress which weight is "honest." They're all my body -- they're all telling a truth.
  • This happens to me. Nothing to do with carbs -- it's just that I tend to be more "diet hangry" after a day where I eat at or over maintenance. I assume it has to do with the body calibrating it's expectations of food intake, because if I can maintain my deficit on the hangry day, I'm fine 9 times out of 10 the one after.…
  • Yes, my kid gets hangry. He eats small snacks here and there, and he seems to have normal and functional hunger cues (he doesn't tend to overeat, rarely gets seconds, that sort of thing) so I don't tend to worry too much about the snacking. Especially at his school, where snacks tend to be small and they emphasize not…
  • I'm getting on board with the people saying no. First, she's still a kid -- and it's fine to be concerned, but to push her into keeping a calorie journal when she doesn't want one (which is a presumption on my part; you didn't specify if you were worried exclusively or if she had expressed interest) is just going to give…
  • This is what I do. With less complicated recipes I log individual ingredients -- like, if I make roasted potatoes and eat half of them [as measured by weight 98% of the time, by eyeball 2%] I'll log half of everything that went into making that dish, which is usually just oil and potatoes (that I weighed raw; if I used…
  • I appreciate all of the insight, everyone! I will definitely eat it unless it tastes bad when I start, lol. :)
  • Yes. Treating fat as a neutral descriptor removes the power from it. I have fat on my body -- especially in my legs and stomach. I am not slim. These are true statements about my body, and have absolutely zero bearing on my value. Getting to that point sucks, especially when you know people say "fat" to be a-holes, but…
  • Yes, that. We ate out several meals over the weekend, and with ONE exception*, each was high calorie and so delicious -- I miss that sort of blank enjoyment of food. I obviously don't miss it a lot, or I wouldn't be here, but there was something simpler about a meal that just tasted good. Not "this tastes so good and I…
  • I feel your pain on that family thing. I'm usually cooking for two or three people (my son spends half of his time with his dad) and neither the special dudefriend nor the child eat leftovers. I usually just try to get through them for lunch, or pawn them off on friends if I know I'm making a large batch of something.
  • Cool, thanks! Generally I follow the smell and taste thing, but my dad worked in kitchens all his life and admonishes us kids if we leave stuff in the fridge longer than three days. So I'm never sure if he's too strict due to his background or if I'm too fast-and-loose with food safety rules, lol.
  • I really love the idea of gardening, but as an apartment dweller had mixed luck with containers. Last year was probably my best one, and even then, it was haphazard at best. The storms would get bad and blow the containers over. Also: squirrels in my neighborhood ate everything. They ate the heads off of our sunflowers.…