catmaranwar Member


  • I also have a 1200 cal limit, but even when I exercise I still stick to my same diet, but do try to take in more water so I am not dehydrated. If I eat an extra hundred or so calories a day I don't worry about it. I just make sure I track everything I eat...and I mean EVERYTHING!!
  • I did the exact same thing!!....i was on MFP last year and was doing well, and then summer time and the binges became a "hassle" like you said to journal and so everything went by the wayside....*sigh*....BUT....I am up and at 'em again and this time am finding that if i kind of stick to the same basic thing…
  • I want to be able to breathe when I walk....not feel like i'm going to break my own legs when i stand....feel okay in a bathing suit...hell, even in a pair of shorts!! feel and look good for myself and for my partner to be proud to walk with me:smile:
  • I'm in the same boat...start and stop....but we can do it!!!!....don't you find it tiring to carry around all the weight??..wouldn't life be soooo much easier in a lighter body???....i think lets stay motivated!!!!