

  • Queen, Trust me when i say I absolutley didn't start out with that much....haha...I do 1500 to the right and 1500 to the left. I'm trying to hula my way to a thinner mid-section!:laugh:
  • I took phentermine about a year ago for about three months(my Dr. suggests take for three months then break for three). Anyhow, it did in fact help me lose weight....I lost 40lbs. in 3 1/2 months. Yes i know very fast! My energy level was wonderful! BUT......If i missed a dose and resumed the following day, I was awake all…
  • :laugh: thaks for all the encouragement! As far as the games....I'm not that good at the penguin slide. BUT I am the hula hoopin' CHAMP! LOL On the super hula, I average 3000. Sheeeew....and boy do I feel like i've done something afterwards! I recently discovered the "jack knifes" in the strength training section.....the…
  • Ocean City, Maryland, US :smile:
  • thanks to all! :smile:
  • Hello all~ I am a complete Wii Fit junkie!:love: I searched for some of the WiiF exercise without any luck, and eventually added them myself. I don't know exactly how many calories you burn using the game, but I do the advanced step and basically typed in walking and chosethe brisk walk and how long I did it. If all else…
    in Wii Fit Comment by sunsoaker May 2009