ranjuvipin Member


  • Thanks for the input . Yes i did take measurements, but i don't see any difference.. Like Kep2005, maybe i was expecting to see drastic changes :) Like all of you suggested, i will finish of the rest of the days and see where i stand. I didn't work out yesterday because i was so demotivated, but its a new day today and i…
  • Hi everyone, I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!! In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.
  • Hi guys, anyone seeing any change as yet, I know it's too early but I seem to have gained pounds..
    in Day 4 Comment by ranjuvipin May 2012
  • I would love to join! Started today :smile: