Where is everyone?

ChasityLindsey Posts: 36 Member
Would love to see more activity on this board!! How is everyone doing?? What kind of progress are you making? I am on day 5 of level 2 and it is still kicking my butt!!! I was a little easier yesterday, but I still have to take a breather during the circuit 2 cardio. Whew!! Its brutal! LOL! I am feeling great though! I can see definite improvements in my body and I am loving it!! I also do 30 min of additional cardio on most days. Not dropping much weight, but I cant wait to take measurements.


  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Would love to see more activity on this board!! How is everyone doing?? What kind of progress are you making? I am on day 5 of level 2 and it is still kicking my butt!!! I was a little easier yesterday, but I still have to take a breather during the circuit 2 cardio. Whew!! Its brutal! LOL! I am feeling great though! I can see definite improvements in my body and I am loving it!! I also do 30 min of additional cardio on most days. Not dropping much weight, but I cant wait to take measurements.

    I whole heartedly agree! More activity...not Activia, but activity.
    I'm well. I'm on Day 7 today of Level 2 and Jillian is still killing me with the cardio on circuit 2 and the weights on circuit 3. I finally got the form on the final plank ab move...I would like to die at that point.
    Not losing any weight...most likely from the toning and weights (i'm using 8 and 5 lbs weights), but definite improvement as well. Hopefully, pictures will say more at the end.
    Doing a lot of cardio. If you friended me or like to, you can see all my activity and diet. I keep no secrets.

    So, what are you folks waiting for? Get on board and get active!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Hi! I agree circuit 2 is tough. There is a board where a few of us have posted inches lost so far. I've only lost a couple of pounds since starting the 30DS and about 2 inches total. I couldn't see any physical changes until just the last day of so. I feel like I look more slender and my pants are all fitting better. :)
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 48 Member
    I started a little later then most of you but I'm still hanging in there... Trying to be active on MFP as much as possible too :) There's only a few people on here that really talk/post regularly it seems but I'm so happy for the support from the ones that do!!
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    Definitely seems like not even half of the members in this group come in here. Maybe they are just quietly suffering instead of moaning like us :wink:

    I'm on level 2 day ??. I've missed a few due to hectic days so I'm not sure if I should count those rest days as a day. I don't really want to but I'd like to start Ripped in 30 June 1. Anyways, I have to modify a lot in this level for my back and can't do all the planks, just the walkout ones. Very curious to see Level 3.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I have had to take a quick break but I will be back Shredding tmr. :)
  • ranjuvipin
    ranjuvipin Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!!
    In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    Hi everyone,
    I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!!
    In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.

    did you take measurements and pics before you started and compare them?
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!!
    In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.

    did you take measurements and pics before you started and compare them?

    I agree with jetsgirl, you have to measure and take pics. The scale is not always effective with this type of dynamic program using muscle confusion with intense cardio. You will lose weight, but at the same time put on some muscle due to the toning and weights.
    Also, another good indication is the obvious...how are your clothes fitting? Are they loose? Are they the same?
    But, to play devil's advocate: how is your eating? You say you are watching what you eat...so, are you logging everything you eat? Are you getting the right balance of protein, carbs, & fats? What is your max caloric intake and are you eating correctly to balance things out?
    Please bear in mind that these are the things that we look at daily to maximize our workouts with proper eating. And have patience, it doesn't happen overnight...keep at it.
    You can look at my food diary and see how I eat. If you care to would you share your diary to see how everything is working? Just an option.
    But keep at it and try to complete the remaining days...its only 13 more days.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    I have had to take a quick break but I will be back Shredding tmr. :)

    You can do it! Will look for your posts on the board tomorrow. If you want you can friend me and I will help to motivate you and keep you accountable. I know scary, but I'm nice!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    I have had to take a quick break but I will be back Shredding tmr. :)

    You can do it! Will look for your posts on the board tomorrow. If you want you can friend me and I will help to motivate you and keep you accountable. I know scary, but I'm nice!

    He is nice! And very motivating!
  • Kep2005
    Kep2005 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!!
    In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.

    did you take measurements and pics before you started and compare them?

    I'm not really seeing changes in me either. I have lost a little weight but I'm not worried about that. My clothes are pretty much fitting the same as they were before...maybe *slightly* looser but not really noticeable. I didn't take pics but I did measure myself. I think I was just expecting a more drastic change so I keep reminding myself that I didn't gain 50lbs overnight and I won't lose it that quickly either!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Hi everyone,
    I finished day 15 and i see absolutely no changes !!:( i am very disappointed and feel demotivated to carry on with the program!!
    In addition to the shred, i watched my eating as well.

    Keep it up! I didn't really start noticing any changes until the last couple of days. Tomorrow is my day 18. I've only lost a pound, maybe 2. But I have lost some inches and I can tell my belly is getting smaller. If you didn't take measurements in the beginning i would still take them now and at the end. Good luck! I hope you don't stop. We are here to support you. Friend me if you want. :)
  • Lmdaniels
    Lmdaniels Posts: 91 Member
    I missed today's workout. I'll be up to day 6 level 2 tomorrow. I also do additional workouts dependent on my wok schedule. I have noticed some changes. Abs are flatter, dare I say more toned. Ive also shredded a few inches and pounds. I'll be doumenting my final results a bit early next Friday before I leave to ruin it all on vacation. At least then,there will have been proof that I did it once!
  • ranjuvipin
    ranjuvipin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the input . Yes i did take measurements, but i don't see any difference.. Like Kep2005, maybe i was expecting to see drastic changes :)
    Like all of you suggested, i will finish of the rest of the days and see where i stand.
    I didn't work out yesterday because i was so demotivated, but its a new day today and i am going to do this!!! :)
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks for the input . Yes i did take measurements, but i don't see any difference.. Like Kep2005, maybe i was expecting to see drastic changes :)
    Like all of you suggested, i will finish of the rest of the days and see where i stand.
    I didn't work out yesterday because i was so demotivated, but its a new day today and i am going to do this!!! :)

    That's always a good positive attitude that today is a new day and with new days comes new opportunities. The trick is to make the opportunities. They don't always knock on your door and when they do, it's usually the IRS.
    You can do this! And know that we are here to help you and keep you motivated.
    Happy Shredding!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Am back at it today .. I am sure Killian I mean Jillian will beat me up today for missing a few days. I however, had a great and wonderful bridal shower over the weekend and am caught up on everything that had me so busy. 43 days till my wedding and will be finishing up the shred with another round before the big day. :love:

    p/s I got my bridesmaid to buy the Shred and started yesterday :) she is so excited!
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Am back at it today .. I am sure Killian I mean Jillian will beat me up today for missing a few days. I however, had a great and wonderful bridal shower over the weekend and am caught up on everything that had me so busy. 43 days till my wedding and will be finishing up the shred with another round before the big day. :love:

    p/s I got my bridesmaid to buy the Shred and started yesterday :) she is so excited!

    Love it...Killian! :) Glad you had a great shower. I bet you are getting so excited. Are you going on a honeymoon?
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Am back at it today .. I am sure Killian I mean Jillian will beat me up today for missing a few days. I however, had a great and wonderful bridal shower over the weekend and am caught up on everything that had me so busy. 43 days till my wedding and will be finishing up the shred with another round before the big day. :love:

    p/s I got my bridesmaid to buy the Shred and started yesterday :) she is so excited!

    Allright, fellow Shredder! We know that Jillian might kick your butt, so...what do you do? Ya kick back even harder. And you must be excited since you got your bridesmaid to get the Shred happening.
    Congrats on the Bridal shower....Mental note: take bath.
    And....get back to shredding. We'll be here for ya!

    PS, Don't count the days left, but count the opportunities you have to Shred before you Wed! :wink:
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 5 this morning - had to take 2 days off and took it easy today due to injury (not sure what I did, but have pain in my sciatic nerve when I bend over). I ended up doing the modified plank moves and had to do other ab excercises when the lower abs were being worked out (the double crunch and the one right before it where you lift your legs and butt up). Hope to be back at 100% tomorrow!
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    I did Level 2, Day 5 this morning - had to take 2 days off and took it easy today due to injury (not sure what I did, but have pain in my sciatic nerve when I bend over). I ended up doing the modified plank moves and had to do other ab excercises when the lower abs were being worked out (the double crunch and the one right before it where you lift your legs and butt up). Hope to be back at 100% tomorrow!

    Good to see that you are modifying where necessary. It's important to know our limitiations when physical issues pop up. Hope you are feeling better and hope to have you at 100% soon.
    Happy Shredding!