wyodawn Member


  • I've had my Fitbit one for a little less than a year. I generally don't eat back the calories it gives me, unless I've been active that day and not logged it. Like, if I'm running around the house all day, doing a bit of gardening, walk around town but don't log "cleaning 1 hour," "walking 30 min." etc., then I will take…
  • so happy for you! It will all come back to you, don't worry.
  • Hi! I think that's one of the best things about teaching adult ballet - I love that my students are all shapes and sizes and yet come to dance because they love it. Most of them took it as kids and have really missed it.
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn June 2013
  • Do you measure things or just eyeball them? I had the opposite problem, but I was underestimating what I was eating and eating way too much. Some days, measuring things does trigger my old struggle with anorexia, but once you do it for a little while you will be able to estimate amounts better.
  • I hardly see any doctors anymore, just because I live in a small town and no one knows jack crap about scoliosis.I'm just over them giving me wrong information and not helping me. But I used to go to chiropractors and later to orthopedics. Now I try to just go get a massage when the pain gets intolerable. I have heard that…
  • [/quote} Not all schools are good at looking for/catching it. We never had a screening at my school. My mom actually noticed mine because she had a childhood friend with a severe case, and that's when I started getting treatment (a brace). If we'd waited for a school official to catch it I probably would've ended up…
  • I'm interested to see that! I've lost 2 inches in the last 20 years and am shorter than anyone else in my family. I just used my true height to calculate my goals though.
  • have you tried walking poles or arm braces? The amount of time I've spent on crutches (blown knee, pelvis fracture) have made me loathe them for the tension they create in my shoulders and upper back.
  • Extreme shorty here - 4'10 38 y.o. SW-120 GW-100-105 CW-103 Eat between 1200-1600 cals/day Exercise 30-60 minutes 4-6 days per week I am vegetarian and track my sodium and sugar especially. I generally am set at 1200 calories, but eat back 60-100% of my exercise calories. I tend to be pretty active - working out at home…
  • I especially loved one of the first posts about when students can't stagger lines...since my Int. Ballet class was completely unable to do that the day I first saw that blog. And it was parent observation night. They literally acted like I had never asked them to stand in 2 lines ever before.
  • This isn't mine - my daughter sent me this link the other day. It should keep you busy for awhile! http://whatshouldwecallballet.tumblr.com
  • oh. WOW. Hilarious! I love the comments from the people who have no sense of humor...as if Head Like a Hole has been defaced like a religious statue
  • Yes! Beautiful blog!
  • I'm way past that age :) but I did a lot of auditions (in Miami) growing up and now help some of my students with their audition DVDs since we live a long way away from any major cities. What other places are you considering? Best of luck to your mom with her treatment.
  • goodness, that's a lot to go through at such a young age.
  • Yep. I had a PT give me specific exercises, some on a mat and some with a Lacrosse ball or foam roller. The side I thought was weak was actually over-developed on the side my curve went to. It felt more difficult because when I bent that way I was working against the curve. So I'm supposed to do more exercises on the other…
  • Hi Dameeis! And hi Jen, it's so nice to see adults return to ballet :) A lot of my students didn't dance for 20 or more years and they find that they never fell out of love with it.
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn January 2013
  • ^ This guy is crazy supportive, FYI. One of my favorite MFP peeps!
  • feel free to add me, we sound a lot alike. Beer, wine & chocolate also get me, but I try to exercise more on days that I know I'll drink. I do find a way to fit chocolate in daily :) I hike, climb, kayak, do yoga & pilates, dance, spin fire & snowboard...surf when I can (March on vacation) but live in Wyoming currently so…
  • request sent! My friends list is currently very quiet, I could use some support as well!
  • I did change my eating habits - logging daily has been a real education. I thought I was behaving myself and eating right but I was way over my daily limit of calories, sodium, fat, and carbs. Also, at the end of the day if I wanted a beer or 2 I would just tell myself I deserved it and drink it. Now, I see if I have…
  • I'm 4'11" (almost) and have lost 18 pounds, 2 to go! No before and after pics on my work computer, but I just wanted to say how amazing you all are doing! The before & after pics are so inspiring. Congrats on taking charge of your health & kicking some butt!
  • I was a single mom for 17 years. Just got married for the first time last year and my daughter left for college. So I'm kind of starting my second childhood, lol. So, I'm on the opposite end of the single parenting spectrum, but I am happy to support you in your journey!
  • Get into a yoga class if at all possible, or find a yoga session to follow at home online if you need guidance but want to do it at home. Also, I will say that as an adult, I have to warm-up before barre. I know the barre is supposed to be your warm-up, but it takes me a lot longer to get loosened up than it used to! I do…
  • I always give my students the option to perform or not. Most of them get caught up in the fun and end up wanting to do it, but it's always an option to participate in the piece but not perform. Don't let it hold you back from taking the class because your teacher may give you that option. We just started our Broadway…
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn January 2013
  • Wishing you a successful surgery Megan. I'm so sorry you have to go through what you do, but it sounds like you have an awesome attitude and a lot of family support. Keep us updated.
  • I won a bet the other night that I couldn't do a split (poor guy didn't know I was a dancer, just knew that I was pushing 40 y.o. and claimed to be flexible). I did a split right there in the bar, in jeans and cowboy boots, and got $20. Sucker!!! So yeah, it's totally possible to keep flexibility if you don't ever let it…
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn January 2013
  • thanks! So, did you complete that 30 day challenge? 30 minutes a day is a lot to me!
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn December 2012
  • I am! I'm in Jackson and have a daughter in school in Laramie.
    in Hey!! Comment by wyodawn December 2012
  • I have to say, as a teacher, that I love the break! But I did encourage my dancers to do a ballet barre and stretch every day at home.