

  • i understand where you are coming from. i have always been a "bigger girl" because i have alot more muscle and a bigger build (thanks dads genes lol). But the past few years it has been hidden underneith a steadily growing layer of fat. :( i worked with a personal trainer for a little while and was shocked at how my body…
  • i use the calesthenics. depending on what kind of crossfit your doing. that, or circuit training is the other close one. its really hard to determine how many calories are burned doing crossfit because there are so many different routines you could be doing. it all depends on what body parts you are focusing on or if its a…
  • @Rayman. i guess you are right :) so i will re-word it to milestone rewards lol!
  • when i was with my trainer he would always tell me that a good 8 hours is key to a great workout. because thats when your body is rebuilding itself. if you dont give it enought ime to rebuild then your workout will not have maximum benifits anyways. so SLEEP lol. time management is kiler tho, i understand. im currently…
  • im looking forward to getting my confidence back, looking good in whatever outfit, SHOPPING! lol cause right now its torture, looking good naked ;), boosted energy levels, health, strength.... did i miss anything? :wink:
  • WOW, way to go! you should not be embarassed about anything! 25lbs is alot, no matter where you started. it takes alot of hard work and dedication to accomplish that :) (thats my gym montra: hard work , dedication. keeps me in line lol!) it doesnt matter where you started its the fact that you are doing something about it!…