Suggestions and Motivations For a Truly Untoned Body

glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
I am seeking out others on here that are, or used to be, more like myself. My problem is not so much with my weight (as I only need to lose about 10-15 lbs) as it is with my totally untoned body.

I used to be a swimmer in high school and had a very shapely, toned body. At some point after high school, during college, I became ill. Due to this, I was more sedentary and lost a great deal of my hard earned muscle tone. Now I fear to walk on the beach , let alone look at myself in a mirror.

When people look at me, they see a skinny girl. Some people say--"Why are you complaining? You look great." But what they don't understand is that with this skinny body is a total lack of energy and no real ...sculpture... I guess I would call it. Everything feels squishy to the touch. My thighs are one of my biggest problems and always have been as my genetics lead to fat gain on the hips and thighs.

I live on a college campus that leads to a large feeling of self-consciousness. Many of the young women there have very lean, skinny legs, whereas I have to struggle a great deal to acquire muscle tone (and still have a good amount of squishy fat layering the top of it).

I really yearn to create a totally sculpted body for myself but don't know where or how to start. Everything feels very weak given that there is little muscle tone. I am trying to find others's methods and motivations for this type of issue, especially when starting at square one/no muscle tone. It has been very easy for me to lose motivation in the process of toning as workouts are more painful and exhausting than anything else. :-\ Any thoughts or suggestions would mean so much as I feel a little bummed out.


  • i understand where you are coming from. i have always been a "bigger girl" because i have alot more muscle and a bigger build (thanks dads genes lol). But the past few years it has been hidden underneith a steadily growing layer of fat. :( i worked with a personal trainer for a little while and was shocked at how my body was changing. i was shredding fat and defining my long lost muscles. its a process to get the definition it seems like you are looking for. my best advice is to eat clean, non processed foods low in fat content and also incorporate some cardio and either weights or band routines to your exercise plan. nothing too heavy, just enough weight or resistance to get your blood pumping and feel some soreness the day after :) this is great for toning. the more muscle you have the more calories/fat the body burnes to fuel it. hope you dont give up and achieve your goals! you are worth the work!
  • metalloz
    metalloz Posts: 77 Member
    I'm interested in this also
  • glittersupernova
    glittersupernova Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you so much for your awesome advice and reply! It is nice to know that someone else out there experienced/is experiencing my dilemma. Sometimes other people don't see it as a dilemma as I am not overweight, but you know--I'm not healthy either! Unfortunately I cannot afford a personal trainer at this time (would Love to have one, lol), but I will incorporate all of your other workout ideas into a daily exercise routine. I love free weight/weight training, so that will be enjoyed. Thank you again!!
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