beccajune Member


  • Everyone needs help along the way! And having someone to help motivate you can be the one thing that keeps you going! Good luck! And I'm right there with ya needing to get back into the swing of things!
  • I'm also new! Anyone feel free to add me! I love the idea of weekly challenges, so count me in! Obtaining weight loss goals is so much easier with support. I look forward to the months to come with everyone and seeing everyone's progress! And remember, everyone makes mistakes. So just because we have a bad day or even bad…
  • I'm right there with ya, girl! I just started today as well! I used to use MFP and LOVED it! But of course, I got a couple weeks into it and stopped because I got lazy. So, here I am, ready to do battle with myself again! And congratulations on wanting to make a change! I updated my profile and when I updated my weight and…
  • I'm new too! Today is day 1! I haven't done my first C25K run yet, but I'm excited! I've tried it before and it worked really well, but I let myself stop and get back to being unhealthy. So, here we go again! Cheers to staying motivated and getting fit!
  • This is an awesome site! I mean, I guess it's different for everyone.. but I've never been able to stick to something like I have this! It's just so helpful! And I'm in the same boat as you!! But.. I'm determined.. and it seems to be going really well! Good luck! And if you need any motivation, give me a holler! :)
  • You definitely do gain muscle in a matter of weeks. How do you think you can go from barely being able to walk a mile to walking a mile easily and feeling good in a matter of two weeks? It's your muscles hurting, then repairing, then building. Anyway.. elise I hope you're felling better about it!!! I know reading these…
  • I kind of know where you're coming from! I'm not exactly afraid to eat.. because I know what I'm eating is healthy (which is what you should think about!). I just don't feel like eating. I actually just posted a blog about this same thing. Because I don't understand how I can't reach my calories goal. It's crazy. I…
  • I would definitely make it a point to ask your PT or family doctor. It could be nothing, or something serious in the long run. Better to know than not.
  • I would think it's more of gaining muscle than anything. Maybe too that you've lost too much just starting out. I know most personal trainers try to get you to stay on a 2lbs weight loss per week.. anymore and you could reach a plateau too soon and yada yada. Anyway, just thought I'd give some ideas. Congratulations on the…