What the h***!?

elise014 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
I'm doing a "Biggest Loser" program through work and we have weekly weigh-ins on Thursdays. I looked at the scale today and couldn't help but think "WTF?" My weigh-ins have fluctuated quite a bit. Here's the break down so far:

Initial - 173.4
Week 1 - 167.4
Week 2 - 163.0
Week 3 - 163.8
Week 4 - 160.2
Week 5 - 161.4

I just don't get how I could have gained this past week (especially after losing 3.6 pounds the previous week). I honest to God kept my calories to 1200 everyday except for my one cheat day and even then it was only 1500 calories. Plus I worked out at least 45 mins (300 calories burned) everyday. How is it physically possible to gain after all that? I am so incredibly frustrated right now. I mean, if I'm going to gain anyway, why not eat what I want to? :explode:

After my first weight gain (Week 3), I ramped up the exercise and cut the calories from 1500 to 1200. That worked for that one week, but then I gained again! I obviously don't want to cut out any more calories and my workouts are pretty intense as they are. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? Any suggestions for something else I could do? Thanks in advance for your help!!


  • Are you eating any of your exercise calories back? If not, you may try eating some of them.

    Also, your body will fluctuate. You've seen the Biggest Loser. On the show, the contestants also fluctuate, so it might not be anything to worry about. Good luck!
  • Skagirl
    Skagirl Posts: 81 Member
    Rock on for being 10+ down in 5 weeks. Nice job :drinker:

    I would up the cals a bit. maybe 1300 and eat at least part of your workout cals. Throw in protein and a glass of milk (if you don't already). That kicked things into gear for me. :smile:

    Good Luck!
  • gerianne
    gerianne Posts: 1 Member
    I could be you are gaining muscle. Have you been measuring inches? Don't give up.
  • beccajune
    beccajune Posts: 9 Member
    I would think it's more of gaining muscle than anything. Maybe too that you've lost too much just starting out. I know most personal trainers try to get you to stay on a 2lbs weight loss per week.. anymore and you could reach a plateau too soon and yada yada. Anyway, just thought I'd give some ideas. Congratulations on the success thus far!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    What time of the month is it for you? Just a thought.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Sorry but you don't gain muscle in a matter of weeks. Most everyones weight fluctuates, especially women. It could be anything from TOM to eating more sodium the day or days before your weigh in.
    I understand it's frustrating. But don't get to down on yourself.

    And you might not be eating enough to support your extra exercise. Keep trying to tweak your eating until you find what works.
    But don't worry about a pound or two gain. It will just cause you more stress and isn't really worth it.
  • elise014
    elise014 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much to everyone!! Those are all some great suggestions. It is almost my TOM and I do tend to eat a lot of salty foods. I probably need to cut back on those. I'll try tweaking my calories and implementing the other suggestions as well. Thanks so much for all the encouragement. This is just the moral-booster that I needed! You guys are awesome! :happy:
  • beccajune
    beccajune Posts: 9 Member
    You definitely do gain muscle in a matter of weeks. How do you think you can go from barely being able to walk a mile to walking a mile easily and feeling good in a matter of two weeks? It's your muscles hurting, then repairing, then building. Anyway.. elise I hope you're felling better about it!!! I know reading these helps me too!
  • Isaacsmama
    Isaacsmama Posts: 43
    First, congrats on your determination! You're doing great!:happy: Lots of reasons for fluctuation. Retaining water, muscle gain (weighs more than fat per volume), or metabolism slowing due to calorie restriction. Sodium does play a part. Ironically though, drinking more water helps to flush out impurities so you actually hold onto less. Drink a lot. Vary your exercise. And make sure you focus on building that lean muscle, not just cardio. It may look like a gain at first, but itll help you burn more fat and calories in the long run. Who cares about week to week weigh ins? In the end, you want to be the real biggest loser right? Good luck! :heart:
  • you are making great progress! My weight fluctuates 3-4 lbs up and down due to "waste" weight (to put it nicely), and water weight.
    Make sure you poop and pee before you weigh LOL
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member

    my post is funny:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    u r doing great! keep going despite the scale and u will be surprised.:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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