

  • My personal favs... Low fat cottage cheese with fresh fruit Tofu in my Miso Soup Edamame (microwaved soybeans still in their pods) Beans (soaked over night and cooked in less than 30 minutes next day with onion and garlic. Cool and toss with fresh cilantro and cayenne pepper... keeps for 3 days.. YUM) Fish of most kinds…
  • JudyCarden... yes that's what our nutritionist at the hospital advises for her patients as well. Your weight in pounds divided in half is the amount of ounces of H2O you should TRY to achieve. But if you are eating raw foods (fruits and veg's) you are getting in more than you may think, so do not be hard on yourself if you…
  • soy sauce with fresh ginger grated in... mmmm gingery goodnesssss :love: