Mezzle13 Member


  • Can female giants join?! I am a measly 6' but live in 4" heels because being tall is ace! :happy:
  • My Mum has made my wedding dress but she is getting increasingly cross that everytime I visit her it has to be taken in again! She has now admitted defeat and will do my final fitting in the few days before the wedding! I think she is the only person that hasn't been happy with my weight loss haha. I get married one month…
  • I think it is amazing and surreal that in total we have ridden 3,122 miles and burnt 169,259 calories! Amazing!
  • I have a phone holder on my handle bars which I then set up mapmyfitness on and I can see my mileage and times. It's waterproof and means I don't have to worry about carrying it. Plus I have tomtom on my phone so if I am exploring somewhere I don't know I get directions. They don't cost much so for me it was a worthwhile…
  • How often are you cycling? I cycle every day so I don't get the pain but if I go on holiday for a week then the first couple of days hurt. If you are starting to become a frequent cyclist give it a week or so before looking at changing the saddle because your body will adjust. If you only go out occasionaly you may want…
  • I just signed up for this! I am number 4 at the moment but the 67 mile ride I did on Sunday will have something to do with that! I cycle nearly every day so it will be interesting to see my mileage add up.
  • Thank you so much! That Jamie Oliver recipie looks delicious and will be perfect :smile:
  • I went to my uncle's for dinner last night and resisted all the wine and it was actually quite nice! I did have a sniff of the red they were drinking and felt very proud. The biggest hurdle will be Friday night when my parents come to visit and I will have a big craving for a Gin & Tonic but if I could do it last night…
  • I need some new friends! I don't have very many and I need all the cheering on (or tellings off) that I can get, particularly as I have a habit of just not logging when I have bad days!
  • This will be so hard for me but... I am in! I simply adore wine and grew up in a family that makes their own so it is a big part of our lives. I am going over to my uncles for dinner tonight and he is constantly offering me wine from his cellar so I am going to be strong and stick to water! Wish me luck!
  • Ahh sorry if this is a repeat conversation, I'd never heard of her before and was just curious!
  • Me and my OH had the biggest fight about what sport our future child would play, I don't think we have ever got so pent up about anything! The fact that we have only been together for 9 months and have no plans for children for many moons was completely irrelevant. Talk about stupid arguements!
  • :noway: you actually can be allergic to sweat?! I swear this literally is me!!
  • Eurgh, I know exactly what you are talking about, it's like I have leg acne and if it isn't itchy it hurts like mad. My friends joke that I must be allergic to my own sweat as it happens whenever I excersise and if I go anywhere hot! After several years of cutting out different foods, changing my washing power etc and not…
  • Forgot to add... speak to your doctor or family planning clinic, they will be able to provide you with options to suit you. With the pill they will usually put you on a 3 month trial and you have to go back to get more. If you aren't happy with it then you can talk to them again.
  • When on my previous pills I always put on weight, particularly on my boobs which would explode in size... might be great for some people but I hated it! I am now on an progestogen-only Pill called Cerazette after having discussed my fears at the family planning clinic, for me its great as I have not gained any weight. The…
  • 22, just ordered the 30 day shred dvd!! Add me :)
  • I have literally just ordered the dvd, now I've spent money I have to do it!! With my birthday in just over a month it's the perfect aim :-D
  • And I am sure I can find a carry matt in one of the cupboards as a replacement yoga mat...
  • Thanks everyone for your help! I think I am going to invest in the dvd and then raid the cuboards for suitable weight replacements. If find I would rather have my tins on my plate than in my hands I will just have to take a trip down to the sports shop :)
  • Oh and no one else notices the height difference... it only becomes obvious to others when we make a joke out of it!
  • Im 6ft and used to have a rule that I wouldn't date anyone unless they were taller than me with heels on and a rugby player... admittedly this cut down my choice rather a lot! Then I met my current OH, him being shorter than me by about 2 inches and a football player it wasn't exactly love at first sight. Buut then we went…
  • Hatton Cross (the stop on the Picadilly line that no one has ever heard of). TW14
  • Like many of the others I have good facilities at work and getting on my bike actually means I get a snooze in the mornings because I can sneak through all the London rush hour traffic jams. Breakfast I keep in the fridge at work and I make my packed lunch the night before. I cycle because I simply cannot afford to use…
  • Wow, you look fantastic!! Congratulations! My friends are all into Zumba but as I get compared to a drunk gazelle when trying to do anything that requires the slightest bit co-ordination I haven't dared to give it a go :-)
  • I've just joined so feel welcome to add me if you want support :-)
  • Hi, I've just signed up and could do with the motivation of knowing other people can see what I've done. It says 1,500 caolories for me but I want to go down to about 1,300. So feel welcome to add me too :-).