

  • ...don't sweat the small stuff ...celebrate each day like it is a gift You sound like a romantic at heart!:drinker:
  • Thank you for the support and I too believe in the healing power of prayer. I truely believe he would not have made it this far and with such good results without the prayers going strong. Now to concentrate on healthy living and getting back into shape. We have definitely found the treat of frozen yogurt. Seems to be what…
  • You can all add me as well as I too am just returning. I was doing great for a couple of weeks and lost 13 pounds, then the bottom dropped out of my world when I was notified of a family member being diagnosed with cancer. I resorted to my old ways of eating to cover the pain and sadness... haven't weighed yet, but have…
  • Lucky you... mine didn't go away that easy.
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