I smoked for about 25 years and I quit finally by using Chantix. My doctor prescribed it for me and my insurance actually paid for part of it. It wasn't all that expensive and I only had to take it for 2 months. I literally forgot to smoke after I had been on it for a few days. The urge was just gone... the physical urge…
I just started today! I do it on my lunch break instead of waiting to get home where I can find all kind of distractions and excuses! Add me and we can check in with each other every day
My goal over the next 50 days is to lose 10 lbs, to walk every day at least 2 miles and to complete the 30 Day Shred!
Oh and it wasn't a stranger, by the way. That makes it worse. I see this person all the time living in a small town and we are in the same civic organization so I am forced to deal with him. He's about 30 years older than me, but as my co-worker/friend said there is only so much old age can excuse. I can certainly rise…