Needmorewillpower Member


  • Oooh one more question please! What do you all recommend for breakfast? My nephew recommends the paleo pancakes, but I don't have much time in the morning as I have a long drive to work and am always running late!! And also tried them once and am not crazy about them! So far I've been eating organic yogurt with a banana…
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. I think it's all about being organised as our grocery shopping arrived a bit late this evening, and we were all starving so I made pasta for supper. Ooops! Not sure I am going to be disciplined enough to stick to this, as it really is a whole new way of life, but will try my best.
  • Thanks both! Am on FB so will have a root around on there. :) Funnily enough although feeling light headed slightly, I am less bloated after just 2 days! Amazing!! :bigsmile:
  • I am 5ft 8ins tall, and currently weigh 178 lbs. Five days a week I am quite sedentary as my job means I am either at my desk, meetings, or driving in my car. I do walk my three dogs once a day during weekdays. At the weekends I am more active as I horse ride and all the associated jobs keep me busy!
  • Well I'm very active, particuarly at the weekends, so find that once I have added in my extra calories for all the exercise I am eating more than 1500 a day. I still have 355 calories left today, and have eaten three good meals. I've just cut out all the unhealthy snacking that used to go on pretty much through the whole…
  • Thanks everyone. I'll keep an eye on it. This is my first time at dieting, and I don't really understand how you can lose "water weight". Not heard this term before. Can anyone point me in the direction of an article which explains this? Thank you. :)
  • Thanks. I am feeling good and am not hungry all the time, nor am I tired. So will carry on another week and then perhaps up my calorie intake to 1500 per day. :)
  • Oh ignore the doctor! You look fabulous and I don't think you need to lose any more. I am 5ft 8ins, aged 52 and my target weight is 154lbs. Due to a thyroid condition I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago and went down to under 140lbs. I know I looked too thin, and I think it also aged me. I put all the weight back…
  • Hello everyone! (Waves!) I am new to mfp, but it really is my new best friend after friend recommended it to me. I log on every day, several times a day, to faithfully log my food and exercise. I lost 4lbs in the first week. I know it says I have lost 2lbs, but that is because I didn't enter my weight accurately when I…