

  • Lost 2 lbs this week.
  • Down 1lb but I slipped on Tuesday and Wednesday. I will have to work on a new schedule for them days to keep myself busy and active.
  • Hi I'm Lisa, I am joing in hopes of getting a few more pounds off. I orginally started at 178 and have slllooowwwlllyyy managed to get down to 156. I lost 8 lbs to get me to 148 and then put them back on. I feel with this as a motivator and with some support I will eventually reach my UGW of 135. (Its been a very long time…
    in Intro Comment by lisap53545 June 2012
  • I started weight watchers in February and started working out with bicycling and weight training alternating daily. I was losing 2-3 lbs per week for 3 weeks. Then my weight kind of settled in and I was only losing 1/2 lb or so. But... I took my measurements when I started, (thighs, arms, waist, etc.) I was losing inches…