

  • PS - I agree with the other folks on the diet pills... WASTE OF MONEY! do it with food... eat and lose weight. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Raw Foods: Raw fruits, raw vegetables No whites: Wheat tortilla instead of flour, wheat bread instead of white, brown rice... you get the picture. No sodas. Green Tea 3-4 times per day Add Cayenne Pepper to everything you can... Keep your calorie count as consistant as possible EVERY SINGLE DAY! Don't do one of those, "Oh…
  • Great antioxidant. But calories are calories. You wanna add something non-caloric to your diet to boost metabolism? Ceyanne pepper.
  • Well well well... doesn't everybody have an opinion! I'll try to stick to the facts from my experience and very close friends' experiences regarding weight loss surgery: My age now: 34 My highest weight: 255+ Weight Day of Lap Band Surgery: 236 Today's weight: 169 Goal: 150 Doctor told me the lap band does about 50% of the…