ogs020589 Member


  • I need to print this! and stick it somewhere! haha
  • I had one of those weekends! I was away with friends so we ate out (and drank) waaay too much! carb loaded weekend too! Once I started I was so so hungry! Such a bad diet weekend but one of the best weekends in a long time :) ps....please tell me you went to Borough Market???
  • Once I started eating enough calories throughout the week, including good healthy fats (avocado, nuts) and making sure I was getting proper nutrition.
  • Yesterday evening... I had a meal cooked for me and rather than thinking I don't know the calories for it I logged as best I could, ate sensibly and stopped when I was full. Although I picked on a few bits after dinner (which is a usual habit I do when I don't know the exact calories and I think 'I've probably gone over…
  • I've only just joined this group and have been reading through people's comments. I have never commented myself before but I feel so relieved and comforted that I am not alone! I think maybe putting my actions and thoughts into words may help me a. acknowledge my behaviour and b. hopefully give someone some support or…
  • First ever post although I have been a member for a while now. Hoping joining this group will help me stay on track and not binge. I had my biggest binge last night and I feel terrible today, not just physically but mentally too. I feel so ashamed. So here's hoping by logging into this group daily I can stay on track. Me -…