Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Wow, really glad I found this thread today of all days.

    REALLY stressed out today and yesterday after an argument with my husband. A binge is usually the first thing I turn to when I we argue. Really wanted to binge last night and today after work, but reminded myself that I always just feel worse afterward.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Mufamuscles, that's excellent, congrats! It is difficult to pull back from that urge!

    Today I'm proud of myself for cutting my binge short. Although I did binge yesterday, it was not nearly as much as usual, not even close!! I was ~500 over my goal, but that actually just got me to my maintenance calories and I will still be in a deficit for the week. At what would normally be the middle of the binge, I started feeling super full, bloaty, and gross. But as we all know, my inner demons whispered 'Now you've done it, why stop there?". I wanted to. I did. But I thought, if I already feel this bad, how much worse will it get after another and another? Instead. I went to bed.

    TL;DR STFU inner demons!! :devil:

    Now for today's struggle of "yesterday wasn't so good, and my breakfast today was "decadent"...may as well start tomorrow...or Monday...." NO. No. no. no. no. NO. I WILL make today great!

    Happy Friday ya'll!!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    I'm proud that I still love myself, even after a binge last night. What's done is done, and I will try better tomorrow.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Beautiful, MadDog. Always be kind to yourself :heart:

    Today I'm proud of myself for enjoying a treat without letting it trigger a binge. The urge crossed my mind, no doubt. But I decided to say no.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for owning up to my weekend's damage and deciding to move on TODAY. Not tomorrow, or next Monday. TODAY I will get back on track.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Nice attitude :-)

    Today I'm proud that I exceeded my protein macro, for the first time ever!
  • you're all inspiring :-)
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    That's awesome MadDog!! Did you notice being more full today versus other days when you may not have hit your protein goal? Just curious :)

    Today I'm proud that I went to bed last night instead of staying up just to munch on goodies when I wasn't truly hungry.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Alas, the fullness factor still eludes me. I've heard rumor more protein helps you feel full, but I think I've totally damaged that part of my brain/stomach pathway/connection with decades of binging and overeating - even after eating 5000 calories, I'm not satiated

    Today, I'm proud of myself for doing 39 min on the treadmill, when all I wanted to do was stay in bed - I have the crud/cold that everybody's been passing along. I think I'm feeling a bit better today ?
  • ogs020589
    ogs020589 Posts: 6 Member
    Yesterday evening...

    I had a meal cooked for me and rather than thinking I don't know the calories for it I logged as best I could, ate sensibly and stopped when I was full.

    Although I picked on a few bits after dinner (which is a usual habit I do when I don't know the exact calories and I think 'I've probably gone over anyway...') I resisted the urge to binge. :D

    I went over my goal by about 100 but rather than thinking 'oh well I've gone over now I might as well go over by hundreds' (binge) I stopped and decided to make time to exercise today.

    It sounds stupid and not like an achievement but I'm proud I challenged that voice in my head which says 'oh you've gone over (even by a few hundred) might as well keep going...' or 'we'll you've had one small chocolate bar today...might as well keep going.'

    Feel proud :D and actually writing it makes me feel like I could do it again!

    Everyone is inspirational. reading this post daily helps me stay focused so much and allows me to think that I can do this and I can be proud of myself too like all these other amazing people. Thanks for the thread! Let's keep it up and well done!
  • I am proud of myself for setting my goal for lent to quit binge eating which leads to other bad habits I am also trying to stop. Heading to exercise soon after having a slimfast for breakfast.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    MadDog, I understand that. I was curious because I'm all over the place in terms of hunger/satiation. I'm definitely in the same boat as you...I've messed something up. Great workout :) Hope you are feeling better, colds suck!

    Ogs, it doesn't sound stupid at all and is in fact, a great achievement! We all know that voice and to conquer it even once is a victory, truly. That's what this is all about! Celebrate your victories!!

    Bjmer, that's a great goal. Just take it one day a time :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for seriously killing it at the gym. I am SO sore today :) I also erased the pre-logged dessert I was planning on having after I logged my dinner. I did not stress and eat it anyways, but decided I could enjoy it within my goals today instead.
  • kge0891
    kge0891 Posts: 276 Member
    MadDog, 39 minutes on the treadmill! That is impressive!

    Ogs, that is a great feat! Honestly, I'm in one of my longest, no-binge streaks ever, and I had a day much like your own, where I started eating mini kit-kats, putting me 150 over my daily goal and because I saw i went over, I very nearly decided to finish the entire box, but I stopped myself. Those times where you regain control are huge! If I had given in, I probably wouldn't have made such progress with stopping the binge monster!

    Bjmer, great goal! Best of luck, it's great when we finally get real with ourselves and try to make big changes in our lives!

    WillLift, awesome job with the workout, that is a great feeling! And I don't think I would EVER be able to erase pre-logged dessert, I'm such a sweets junkie, that is impressive!

    I'm proud of 2 things, one is from yesterday. Yesterday I finally told my boyfriend of two years about my binge eating. I apparently hid it well because I could tell he was shocked, but accepting. It feels good to finally have that weight off my shoulders!

    And today I had a check up with my doctor. 6 months ago, my cholesterol was incredibly high for a 22 year old girl. Today when she saw me, she congratulated me on my weight loss, and told me my total cholesterol dropped by 60 points, and my LDL (bad cholesterol) dropped by 40 points! I still have a little more work to do in getting it down, but I am relieved, because the high cholesterol at such a young age really scared me! I'm glad I turned things around and am building a better & healthier future for myself!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Kge, first of all CONGRATS on such a huge health accomplishment! It must be nice to see that your hard work is not only paying off on the scale, but also in your overall health. You're treating your body well, and in turn, it is responding well. Very cool :) Also, I'm glad you found support in your boyfriend. I just only recently told my husband and I know what you mean about finally lifting that weight off. Beautiful :)

    Today I'm proud of the fact that I was able to have a lazy evening in front of the television without allowing a binge. Now to conquer the weekend AND spring break next day at a time :)
  • Today I'm proud of myself for adapting my plans when I ate something I hadn't planned to eat, instead of freaking out and going overload. I also learned that if I plan the day in advance, the day before, it's less likely that anxiety will take over and cause a binge.
  • red_mage
    red_mage Posts: 20 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for finally realizing that this is an issue that's affecting my life and that I need to get it under control. I want to be happy and healthy, not anxious to the point of panic over food and exercise on a daily basis. Today, I joined this group as a way to figure out coping strategies, learn from others, and to hopefully start on the path to living the fulfilling, satisfying life I deserve.
  • Today I am just proud of who I am. For no reason in particularly.

    I could mencioned that I am proud for going to workout even when I don't feel like it (today was one of those days), but mainly today, I am just proud of me.

    And I hope that everyone here feels the same way about themselves. That's why this post is so amazing. Even when you feels the day had nothing special, remember, you are special (not only the day)!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    I totally love this thread! It has really helped me to try and stay positive in attitude, when that is not usually my normal stature. Small changes day by day :-)

    Today I'm proud of myself for being a good co-worker, mom, wife, and actually did some exercise for myself, too :-)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    We are ALL awesome !

    I'm proud for actually getting to the gym today ....... would much rather have been a couch potato :tongue:
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, y'all are all amazing. I'm so inspired by each of you :)

    Welcome Red_Mage! It's hard to acknowledge, but you're right, you nor anyone else should have to have to live with that anxiety. There are a ton of great links and info here. I hope you find some things that work for you.

    Diana, you're exactly right! The reason I wanted to start this thread was to remind myself to be more kind and positive to myself. We all deserve to treat ourselves kindly.

    MadDog, I'm so glad! I love coming here and reading yours and everyones's updates. Y'all are inspiring and motivate me to stick to my goals!

    I'll be off on a week-long vacation this week and not sure if I'll be able to get on here. But I hope y'all all have an amazing week and continue to celebrate yourselves and your victories!

    Today I'm proud of myself for literally throwing out an entire package of something I intended to eat. I was excited to try it, but I took a bite, found it to be completely disappointing and threw it away!! Usually I'd eat it just to eat it, and because I bought it and why waste money? But I just chunked it :noway: Ok, this might be weird, but it's huge for me lol.