Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • SunshineGirl0518
    Today I'm proud of myself for being 7 days binge-free and FINALLY getting my derrier back in the gym yesterday!

    Yay!! Keep up the great work :)
  • SunshineGirl0518
    Today I am proud of myself that even though i had a binge last night and actually started the day today with half a tub of ice cream I found the strength to go out for a 9 mile run and not carry on the binge.

    Whew!! That is awesome! Stopping is the hardest thing- great job :)
  • bhallyktkt
    Thought about that bad food in the other room and logged on here instead.
  • jberk4
    jberk4 Posts: 40 Member
    being in a binge-worthy situation (around people eating hotdogs, fries and dessert) and only having a couple bites and WALKING AWAY!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for getting outside in the nice weather, enjoying a walk with a few hundred thousand of my buddies, and loving every minute of it (DC cherry blossoms in peak bloom, and I didn't shy away from people, like I usually do).
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, I'm loving these updates! Ya'll are awesome!!

    Today I'm proud of myself for having a binge-free weekend. It always seems to be my biggest struggle but I've been successful with keeping myself busy or just plain saying no. :) Now if only I can have a full weekend under calorie budget...that will be my next challenge!
  • totaldetermination
    totaldetermination Posts: 1,184 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for sticking to my commitment to not be 'in the red' calories at the end of the day.
    I was 30 calories in the red, so I went for a walk around the block (with my fitbit on) to lift my exercise calories.
    Now its green - I can finish logging my day happily.
  • runningcat76
    Today I am proud of myself for making the decision to stop drinking alcohol. Its a big binge trigger for me at weekends so I am going to give it up completely. I am not saying forever as I don't want to set myself up for a fall but I intend to set the goal of 1 month at first and see how I go after that.
  • SunshineGirl0518
    Today I'm proud of myself for maintaining self control while eating at a restaurant that would normally lead to a binge. I made healthy choices, ate in moderation, drank only water, and came home with leftovers (which are still in the fridge three hours after returning home). I also had one serving of a treat today and stopped after that one serving. I got in a great cardio session and am feeling pumped and proud :)

    I pray everyone else had a great day too!!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    This thread hasn't been active in a while, I apologize. It's been a rough few weeks for me.

    Today I'm proud of myself for beating the binge and getting in a good calorie burn. I had some of the worst cramps I've had in a while, overate on comfort ice cream and just started to think 'welll, F it.' But I stopped myself!

    Later in the day, I had to babysit a coworker's kid who had a 1 hour soccer practice. The fields were surrounded by a circular track and I used it to my advantage! I ended up jogging a little and walking, all in all, over 5 miles! Not only did I feel better, but I worked off the previous ice cream feast :)

    I have to admit though, I still had that mindset of having screwed up the day. My husband was going to be out at his band's practice once I got home from babysitting, so of course my bingey mind is like...hmmmm, maybe we can grab a burrito on the way back...followed by more ice cream eh? and perhaps some winnne? But I said NO. I had done the work to be in a deficit for the day, why would I want to ruin it again? I sipped on water while watching Dexter, and went to bed :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    "Today I'm proud of myself for ___________".
    Love this thread!! Will check it out later!! Thanks so much dear!!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hi! I haven't been proud of myself lately, but I'm trying every damn day to fix that!

    Today, I'm proud of myself for continuing to log most of the food everyday.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Today I am proud of not binging last night when I was really feeling the urge to binge. I chewed gum, ate a few items and stopped. Yay!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    MadDog, glad to see you back here :)
    Molly, hurray for beating the binge!

    Today I'm proud of myself for having purchased a few of my previous binge trigger foods last week and NOT binging on them! In fact, it took a whole 3 days (I know, not THAT long lol) to even open them, and when I did, I had 1 serving of each and was done. I haven't had a serving since :)
  • icandoit_resa
    Today I am proud of bringing myself back here after taking a few weeks to regroup and think real hard about what I wanted from my life.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    Today I am proud of bringing myself back here after taking a few weeks to regroup and think real hard about what I wanted from my life.
    Welcome back Resa! You can do it as long as you refuse to give up. You will find your way to your goals, your way. Keep up the good work and take it one day at a time
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    MadDog, glad to see you back here :)
    Molly, hurray for beating the binge!

    Today I'm proud of myself for having purchased a few of my previous binge trigger foods last week and NOT binging on them! In fact, it took a whole 3 days (I know, not THAT long lol) to even open them, and when I did, I had 1 serving of each and was done. I haven't had a serving since :)
    That is awesome!! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for joining this group to hopefully find the support I need. I'm also proud of myself for packing my lunch and snacks for the day and not giving in to temptation at work!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Welcome Kriskris! I find this group so helpful not only to share your feelings and gain support, but also to see that you are not alone!

    Welcome back Resa :) Little steps are the key to big changes, just start small.

    Today I'm proud of myself for sticking to my plan of an AM workout. Who would've guessed I'd actually wake up before 7 am?!? :laugh:
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I'm also proud to say that even though I was ravenous after getting home from the gym, I stuck to my planned dinner and stopped when I was full instead of bingeing on everything else in my cupboards.