Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Congrats! Happy anniversary :)
  • icflyinmonkies
    icflyinmonkies Posts: 24 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for being able to say no to eating my full dinner plate in order to stay below my calorie allowance. The recipe I had planned had more calories than I had planned in the end, and it was great! But my boyfriend encouraged me to just eat half and see if I was still hungry, and I was not, and for that I feel proud. Because I could say no. I just hope that I will have it in me to do that on my own next time, I really really do!!!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Great job icflyinmonkie! And the support from the bf is good to hear - positive and encouraging!

    Most know my struggles with night eating. 2 days ago, I got up and ate and didnt even remember it.. So I took a drastic step yesterday. I put all my night go to snacks (cereals mostly) in a box and secured the box with tape. It worked - no waking up to unconsciously eat. I am going to keep doing this with the cereals and granola bars until I break the habit.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Here is a victory for me: Went to a race expo today. These race expo have dozens of booths, and most booths have fun size candy bars, suckers, etc. Basically chocolates and sweets. Runners can walk through an expo and easily pick up a couple 100 calories of snickers, M&M's and other bars. This has been very tempting for me in the past - and have even started at least 2 binges. But today, I walked through the entire expo and did not pick up anything. Noticed them, told myself "Be careful," and I got out without any food, and of course, no binge and no regrets or shame.

    I also got a really cool runner tattoo today. "26.2" on my left calf! Love it!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Wow Dennis, you are just kicking butt lately! What an inspiration :)

    Today marks one week free of binges for me. I've been reading Brain Over Binge and its really struck a chord with me. I've still gone over cals sometimes and included treats or junk but all I care about right now is no out of control eating.
  • icflyinmonkies
    icflyinmonkies Posts: 24 Member
    Good for you that's great! I know that especially when the temptful foods are free it makes it a lot harder sometimes to fight the urge. I always find it weird and somewhat hypocritical that expos for fitness like that often times have unhealthy foods like that and sugar-filled energy and protein drinks? I get that the fitness part allows for the higher intake of calories but the point of being fit and exercising is to have a healthy body and yet they encourage you to put bad stuff back into your body by giving it away for free :huh: such a shame.
  • icflyinmonkies
    icflyinmonkies Posts: 24 Member
    Here is a victory for me: Went to a race expo today. These race expo have dozens of booths, and most booths have fun size candy bars, suckers, etc. Basically chocolates and sweets. Runners can walk through an expo and easily pick up a couple 100 calories of snickers, M&M's and other bars. This has been very tempting for me in the past - and have even started at least 2 binges. But today, I walked through the entire expo and did not pick up anything. Noticed them, told myself "Be careful," and I got out without any food, and of course, no binge and no regrets or shame.

    I also got a really cool runner tattoo today. "26.2" on my left calf! Love it!

    Good for you that's great! I know that especially when the temptful foods are free it makes it a lot harder sometimes to fight the urge. I always find it weird and somewhat hypocritical that expos for fitness like that often times have unhealthy foods like that and sugar-filled energy and protein drinks? I get that the fitness part allows for the higher intake of calories but the point of being fit and exercising is to have a healthy body and yet they encourage you to put bad stuff back into your body by giving it away for free :huh: such a shame.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I've been reading Brain Over Binge and its really struck a chord with me.

    That book kickstarted my real recovery. Must read for anyone struggling with bulimia or BED. Good for you!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I always find it weird and somewhat hypocritical that expos for fitness like that often times have unhealthy foods like that and sugar-filled energy and protein drinks? I get that the fitness part allows for the higher intake of calories but the point of being fit and exercising is to have a healthy body and yet they encourage you to put bad stuff back into your body by giving it away for free :huh: such a shame.

    I agree. All those sweets. I know they are trying to entice you to their booth, but it does seem out of place at a runner expo.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow Dennis, huge congrats to you! You sound like you're doing amazing and I'm glad to hear your therapist agrees.

    And great work on the week-free of binges Pudding! Very happy for you :)

    Icflyinmonkies, excellent win! It's so nice that your boyfriend is so supportive of your goals too.

    MadDog, the fact that you keep trying day after day is definitely something to be proud of. Hope you're feeling a bit better this week.

    I'm a little upset at myself for having a binge yesterday. It wasn't the worst one I've had, but the guilt is hard to overcome. However, I will and I'm moving on.

    Today, I'm proud of myself for starting over. I am also proud that I was active over the weekend, which is probably why I was over-hungry and over-tired yesterday and lost myself to the B. I will prepare for my activity this week and make sure I fuel my body the way it deserves.

    Happy Monday everyone. Hope to hear some of your successes soon :)
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    WillLift4Tats - I know all too well about that guilt the day following a binge. I am actually going through it today. I binged yesterday after a fairly long binge-free streak. Like you, it wasn't the worst I've had, but it's still hard. Hang in there!

    Dennis - First of all, congrats on your wedding anniversary! 26 years.. that's fantastic! And congratulations on your amazing progress, too. It's so great that you've come this far and that your counsellor feels you no longer need therapy.

    As for me, I am proud that although I binged yesterday, I have no desire to do it again today.

    Also, I ran 10k for the first time! A while ago I signed up for a 10k that takes place in late October, although I had never run that distance. These past couple of weeks I've been loosely following a training program that did not require me to run that distance this week, but I figured.... why not try? And I made it! Took me 1h02m.
  • momospin
    I'm proudly of myself today for admitting to myself I have a problem and joining this group. Have had hideous binge, in secret. A few years back I lost two stone and kept it off for 18months! Then slowly the binge crept in and now I am at least.4 stone heavier. None of my clothes fit, and every Monday i say this time I'm gonna do it...then something goes wrong...I'm at the food again seeking comfort and solice...only to find I feel worse...and so cycle begins again.

    I have recently had surgery and hoping in a couple of weeks I will get the all clear to start exercise regime. I am proud of myself for getting off my butt and increasing my walking today.

    Any advice and support would be greatly received .
  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    ...being able to wear my work shirt again, with no buttons gaping, with it not feeling tight.

    I feel like a million dollars :)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Also, I ran 10k for the first time!

    Good for you! Running is so awesome.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    ...being able to wear my work shirt again, with no buttons gaping, with it not feeling tight.

    I feel like a million dollars :)

    Amazing job!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    BoubouChan, awesome run!! What a great surprise and unexpected accomplishment for yourself!

    Momospin, welcome! Glad you found our group. I'm sorry you also struggle with this, but I hope you find the support you need here. There's tons of resources, tips, and story-sharing here. You are definitely not alone. Great job on your walk! I hope your recovery is going well :)

    Libby, huge high-five!!! You must be walking on air :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for sticking to my commitment. I had a great day yesterday fitness & food-wise and am feeling great for it today. I ran (okay JOGGED lol) a little over 3 miles to and from the river, and had a nice swim with the pup in between. I was completely exhausted but didn't let that drive me to overeat or binge.

    It's days like these that remind me how good it feels to be in control and make healthy decisions. This is the feeling I need to remember when I feel overwhelmed and want to give up. I need to remember how much better I feel not only avoiding the binge, but replacing it with healthy activity. Not only do I feel better mentally, but physically too.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Just signed up for the Pittsburgh Marathon in May. Motivation to stay fit. And of course, getting a tattoo of 26.2 on your leg is kinda motivating also!
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Two things: one that is food-related and one that is emotional.

    I'm proud of my myself for going to get a coffee and only getting a coffee (skim milk, no sugar) rather than getting an egg sandwich or a bagel and maybe even hashbrowns. I wasn't looking forward to eating that packet of oatmeal-- the last packet in the box of the flavor I hate--but I did it.

    I'm proud of myself for challenging some pretty bad negative self-talk when I was looking at job postings. I have a job, but I'm looking to make more money and get into a field that I really enjoy. I kept telling myself that I have no skills, that I'll be stuck at this job forever, that I'll always be unhappy, and that I'll be drowing in student loan debt forever simply because I couldn't make up my mind sooner of what I wanted to do with my life.

    I took a step back, took a couple of deep breaths, and reminded myself that I do have skills and good experience. I'm well educated in a variety of fields that actually complement each other very nicely. If the right job for me isn't there today, it'll be there someday and in the mean time I'm working really hard in volunteering to fill some of the gaps. Oh, yeah, and the volunteering is very likely to turn into a job in the next year or so. Jeez, self, be patient. :)

    I guess the emotional one means a lot to me because it's the negative and often incorrect self-talk that leads me to binge or not log or not exercise.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Free Donuts in the Printer Room - I abstained :) I wasnt even tempted.

    Now why can I abstain from donuts and cookies... but cant stop myself from eating 2 bowls of cereal in the middle of the night?
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Dennis, I saw that you changed your pic and was wondering if this was your tattoo, how cool! I love it :) Definitely a great motivator!! As for the midnight cereal, I can only pull from my own experience and say, there's something about being alone and fighting off those demons by yourself. 99.99% of my binges happen once I'm alone. I think it has something to do with releasing that energy (whether it be stress, anxiety, frustration) in a manner that we're used to, but away from the judging eyes of others. What I'm trying to learn to do is release that energy in a positive way - go for a run, angrily clean the kitchen, heck, even rant to my husband about my work stress. Anything. Idk, a little bit of a ramble there, sorry.

    Sherambler, congrats on BOTH! You're right, a food-related win is awesome, but the emotional wins are even better. Defeating that negative voice is a huge step in the right direction!! That voice is exactly why I wanted to make this thread. It can be so powerful, but in the worst way. Good for you, keep that up!! :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for facing the gym after 5. It is not my favorite time to go and certain people acted exactly as I feared. But I made it through. I'm even a little sore this morning :)