Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • I am proud of myself yesterday and today for being binge-free and under my calorie goals :D
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Dennis, that. is. awesome! You must feel so excited to have come so far in your recovery! Really happy for you! :D

    Thank You! I have worked hard at it
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Rachel, woohoo! Keep it going, I know you can!

    Today I'm proud of myself for finding and doing a Game of Thrones workout yesterday instead of just being a potato, and still watching the show lol. It's times like those that I realize my excuses of "not enough time" and "too tired" are extremely lame. I have the time to watch a show? I have the time to workout. I'm too tired to workout? I feel tons more energized once I get through it!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Planning to eat more food yesterday because hungry and logging it even though I was over my limit. Not binging!
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    I am proud of myself yesterday and today for being binge-free and under my calorie goals :D

    i also have been binge free yesterday and today! (so far at least lol.) congrats on your success :)

    i am proud of myself for packing my lunches this past week instead of ordering out at work. I'm also proud that i've been replacing my normal snack foods with fruits and veggies galore :)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Hey I'll add something here...

    Yesterday was my 18 mile training run day. And praise God, He gave me the strength and energy and endurance to run it. But what I am really happy about - usually long run days become excuses to rationalize a binge or overeating. But I didnt do that yesterday. I stayed mindful of my hunger level and ate just to point of satisfaction.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    It's been kinda quiet in here, time to change that! :)

    Dennis, great job on a fantastic workout AND staying mindful. That must have felt great!

    Zericaaaaa, that's awesome that you broke free of the fast food route. I know how difficult that can be. How are you doing this week?

    Girlviernes, nice! It sounds like you made a choice, stuck to it, and found success!

    I'm proud of myself for having a mindful past few days. I've been bad about logging my intake during the day. But once I backlog, I've found I'm eating right about where I need to anyways. I've caught myself saying 'no thank you' to snacks that I'm either not hungry for, or just don't want at that moment. This is a nice contrast from those days when YES is my only answer all day long. lol
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Good news from Doctor today - my body is now making testosterone again. (I know, its a guy thing in a mostly female forum). But due to extreme diet & restriction, my body had quit making it last October. This really helps with feelings of depression and being lethargic.

    So Its not really something to be "proud" of except that the fact I am eating healthier overall and my body is repairing itself. :)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Tested my willpower purposely tonight. I have a Rice Krispies treat and 2 chocolate bars with me. I have no urge to eat them. These sweets would initiate a binge just a monthsgo. Let's see how I do tonight! I believe I can overcome the urge if one comes.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    zericaaaaa, congrats! I know how hard it is to remember to pack lunches, and even want to eat them when there are far tastier and higher calorie options abound. I'm taking a page out of your book and packing my lunch as best as I can.

    Dennis, that's a wonderful accomplishment with your running, and I'm glad that God helped you find that inner strength you've always had. Use that power you have in you always! It's a great tool. Congrats on the amazing news from the doctor, too!! Your energy levels are probably increasing along with your mood elevation and strength. That's really wonderful. You're doing so well with so many things, and this lack of craving for the sweet treats you had is just perfection. You're great!

    WillLift4Tats, oh I definitely know those days! I'm glad that you're getting out of that cycle. Good for you!!

    I went on a 4 day cruise, which is pretty much a huge floating buffet with 24hr pizza and ice cream. I didn't binge a single time. I didn't even want to. I just relaxed, ate when I was hungry, and refocused on taking care of myself. I feel re-energized and feeling very positive about the months to come.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    This is pretty embarrassing, but keep in mind I've had really bad depression issues lately, so my victories are sometimes like people's everyday chores, since I've been hibernating/hiding for months...

    Yesterday was Day 2 of being binge free, and the first "streak" I've had in what feels like forever! I also felt accomplished because I went grocery shopping, I cleaned the kitchen and dining room, scrubbed the fridge, and cooked dinner for my family which was a healthy success! I'm finally starting to feel normal again, and finally starting to feel like myself. :flowerforyou:
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I don't care that I'm the only one posting, cause I'm still super proud of myself. I had an incredible urge to binge yesterday after having had to skip breakfast and lunch due to a stupidly hectic day at work. I sat myself down, I texted my anti-binge buddy, I broke out my journal and started writing about how I felt, reminding myself how important the end game is to me. I put something on TV to help with the distractions, and before I knew it, I was back to normal!
  • Today i am proud of myself for pre-packing my day of food and getting off to a healthy start after surgery. Life is good right now.

    Crepes- I'm super proud of you! Sounds like a pretty successful day!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Crepes - Great job overcoming the urge to binge!

    Rachel - Pre-making breakfast and packing my lunch the night before helps me too. Keep up the great work!

    Stay strong y'all!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Crepes, nice work! Some great accomplishments in here :)
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I've been getting a bit discouraged in the past 2 weeks as my weight loss seems to have stalled/reversed... so I think it is extra important for me to focus in on my progress with binge eating and general over eating. I haven't binged for nearly 3 weeks! I am packing food ahead of time and very consistently eating my 3 meals daily. My drive for sweets and to binge seems almost non-existent. Even yesterday when I was very hungry all day I just let myself eat more (still stayed within my calories given 500 extra calories from exercise). And I was offered chocolate (which I had been wanting) and was able to eat just 2 small pieces and no guilt and no focus on having any more. Last week there was even an open box of donuts right in front of me at a meeting and I simply had no desire to eat one!

    Lately I've been eating about 1800-2100 calories per day and working out for 60-90 minutes per day. I think in the long run this should still be creating a deficit. I need to trust that with the new exercise routine plus some other things might be getting in the way of seeing change on the scale, but that the weight will start to come off eventually, and the most important thing is to keep to a sustainable plan that is working so well to address my binge eating problem (which I've struggled with for 20 years!)
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Today I am not proud of myself for waking up this morning with the desire to stop the bingeing. There I said it.

    I rely on my feelings or desires to shape my behavior. Like a tree swaying in the wind. I do something healthy or caring for myself only when it pleases me or "makes me proud". When it's difficult, when it hurts, when I am in a hurry, when I am angry or tired or hot or feeling fat, or stupid or incompetent, when it isn't easy, I don't.

    What I am proud of is that I recognized this morning the need to make a plan for how I am going to behave in those times when I don't feel like being healthy. So for starters this morning, I am taking notes on healthy recipes and going grocery shopping. I logged my breakfast. Lastly I am reading the message boards to find hope. Thanks for reading this.
  • Today i'm proud of myself for recognizing when I start to binge and stopping it, and for making an effort to burn off calories.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,508 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for continuing to log, even when it's a train wreck of a day. Tomorrow will be better :-)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Last night after my 18 mile run, my wife went and bought me a pint of my favorite flavor of ice cream. I ate somewhere between 1/2 cup - 1 cup and put the rest back in the freezer. Usually ice cream is a binge food. Not last night!