Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Wow, everyone has been celebrating some amazing successes! Congrats and great work ya'll :) And sorry I haven't been so active on here. We have had a busy couple of weeks running out of town here and there.

    Today I'm proud of myself for enjoying a fun weekend with my husband's family, eating and drinking different foods without going overboard or feeling guilty. I didn't log, but just remained aware of my intake and it worked out really well. I know I need to log to get back to my weight loss goal, but I'm pretty content knowing that my maintenance intake falls very well in line with my natural appetite. It feels good to eat to a point of content, not to a point of overly full.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Nice accomplishments!

    Today WASN'T better, but I'm still proud of myself for logging everything, and doing some bodyweight exercises, too.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Great job MadDog! Getting active always helps.

    I had a bit of a binge last night, but I logged it all today. I'm proud that I was honest with myself and made a conscious effort to do better today. I've stayed busy and probably haven't eaten as much as I should by this point, but I'm determined to not let this drive me to overeat later. I will be proud of my intake and exercise tomorrow. That is a promise to myself.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Last night after my 18 mile run, my wife went and bought me a pint of my favorite flavor of ice cream. I ate somewhere between 1/2 cup - 1 cup and put the rest back in the freezer. Usually ice cream is a binge food. Not last night!

    I am impressed by the run but I am completely bowing down to you regarding the ice cream. Its my number one food and incsnnot have it in the house. That's amazing!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I am impressed by the run but I am completely bowing down to you regarding the ice cream. Its my number one food and incsnnot have it in the house. That's amazing!

    Thank you. Yes, ice cream is one of my biggest weaknesses. I had the one bowl Sunday, and over 3 days, my son ate the rest.I really feel convinced I got this binge thing whipped. I still have a lot of work to do in respect to eating normally however.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post to this group. I just found this topic and I think it's an awesome idea to remind everyone that they should be proud of themselves. I, on the other hand, do not feel very proud because I have no willpower, but here it goes.

    I'm proud that I'm still training for a 5K. I'm proud that I'm still logging my food (even though I'm almost always over my calories for the day). I will be proud of myself when I can stop snacking at night, especially on chocolate snacks.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Dennis, I'm so glad to hear what a great place you're in. You certainly have been putting in the hard work and it is paying off :)

    Traci, welcome! Glad to have you here and celebrate successes with you@ Here's the thing about willpower: It can be like a muscle we have to exercise to make it stronger. And when we exercise that muscle, sometimes it gives out. That's okay! You try again, and make it stronger the next time. Great job on your training and logging! Baby steps are your bread and butter :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for hitting my steps and calories burned goals for 2 days in a row now! My night time snacking still needs to be reigned in, but it's better than it was on Monday. Today will be even better!!
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Hi WillLift4Tats,

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm really glad I found this group. I'm the only person that I know of personally that has the problem that I do. No one in my family can relate. I will certainly work on exercising my willpower muscle. I am completely baffled by it, however. For instance, right now, if I stop eating and just go to sleep, my diary would be perfect. This will not be the case though.

    I usually stay up until midnight (another 3 or four hours at least) and will get the worst urges possible for junk food, cake, snacks and chocolate. I can do great (usually) in the morning and early afternoon but when evening hits, my willpower goes out the window.

    Good job on your steps and calories burned, by the way. Have a good night. I'm glad yours is getting better.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Ice Cream, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Chip cookies all in the house this week and I havent binged. I ate 1 to 2 servings of peanut butter and quit. MUCH - MUCH stronger.

    But all I can say is Praise God! So MUCH better. 3 weeks and NO BINGE! I no longer obsessively think about food / calories / fat grams / restricting / or excessively exercising. I am no longer paralyzed by anxiety and fear and obsessive compulsive thoughts. Its hard to believe just 3 months ago, I could no longer work, no longer run, no longer go out in public in crowds, and not even drive because of a lack of ability to concentrate.

    I still have a problem with night snacking and grazing on cereal - but the battle belongs to the LORD and He will prevail.

    I havent weighed since June, but my weight is good, I am stronger, my running has improved with my lean muscle mass coming back. What a glorious feeling it is to be FREE!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    My night time snacking still needs to be reigned in, but it's better than it was on Monday. Today will be even better!!

    Do you get up in the middle of the night and snack? Or is it snacking before you go to bed?
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Ice Cream, Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Chip cookies all in the house this week and I havent binged. I ate 1 to 2 servings of peanut butter and quit. MUCH - MUCH stronger.

    But all I can say is Praise God! So MUCH better. 3 weeks and NO BINGE! I no longer obsessively think about food / calories / fat grams / restricting / or excessively exercising. I am no longer paralyzed by anxiety and fear and obsessive compulsive thoughts. Its hard to believe just 3 months ago, I could no longer work, no longer run, no longer go out in public in crowds, and not even drive because of a lack of ability to concentrate.

    I still have a problem with night snacking and grazing on cereal - but the battle belongs to the LORD and He will prevail.

    I havent weighed since June, but my weight is good, I am stronger, my running has improved with my lean muscle mass coming back. What a glorious feeling it is to be FREE!

    This is really amazing and I'm super excited to hear what a great place you are in and all the things that are opening up to you!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Do you get up in the middle of the night and snack? Or is it snacking before you go to bed?

    It's definitely a before bed thing. I am going going going all day long and at night, it's my time to finally relax and eat. So I do. I try to be good about allowing myself enough calories for the big dinner and after-dinner-snack I prefer, but sometimes it gets way out of hand. I need to be better about eating for my needs, not eating the stress of the day.

    I'm SO happy to hear of your success. You have come really far and you have got yourself to thank for it. YOU put in the work. YOU battled with those urges. and you are WINNING! You should be very proud :)
    I usually stay up until midnight (another 3 or four hours at least) and will get the worst urges possible for junk food, cake, snacks and chocolate. I can do great (usually) in the morning and early afternoon but when evening hits, my willpower goes out the window.

    Traci, is there another reason you're staying up late? Are you stressed thinking about the day? Avoiding going to sleep for some reason? Finding the source/cause of your regular binges is one thing to try to work on. If you can figure out the 'why', you can start to take steps to try to avoid it. This is still a huge challenge for me, but it's worth the work.

    Today I'm proud of myself for getting up and out for at least an hour long walk every day this week. Our new pup, Cora, seen in my avi :), is my true motivator. She doesn't stop, so I can't. I have been stressed, tired, and just plain unmotivated to do anything after work this week. I mean really. Isn't a 9 hour day followed by 1.5-2 hours of housework ENOUGH of a day? But knowing that she needs her puppy energy worn out before bedtime has literally wiped every excuse off the table.

    In fact, I have hit at least 13,000 steps and 5 miles every day this week thanks to her. I've never had a better streak on my fitbit! And you know what? I feel fantastic! I may not feel like lacing up and heading out in the heat. But once we get back and we're all worn out, me on the couch, chiweenie splayed out on his pillow bed, and pup sprawled on the floor, man, that's a great feeling. :heart:
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for thinking of me. I stay up late for several reasons. Stress is a big one. I have a teenage daughter, an infant son and really no time for myself. Everyone else goes to bed early and I'm still up doing dishes, doing homework or taking care of baby, dogs, housework, etc. When I finally relax, I usually sit down with a glass of wine, put my feet up, and then get cravings. Even if I go to bed and read, I sometimes get out of bed to snack. I know I don't need it.

    The last two days, I have finally come in under my calories and I figured out one common denominator - no chocolate. Although I know that's not the only reason I came in under, I think it has a lot to do with it. Chocolate is my weakness and avoiding it made me feel stronger and less apt to snack. I think I will continue to avoid it.

    I think it's awesome that your pup motivates you. I love pups and have five at home. I usually take one running or walking with me. Congratulations on your steps too. You're doing great!
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Help WillLift4Tats,

    I sent such a positive message yesterday and it almost sounded as if I can control my snacking but last night I was up until 1:30am with the baby and ended up eating at least 600 extra calories (maybe a little more) after midnight. If I would have stayed in bed, I would have been under my calories and if I would have avoided the chocolate (like I said I was going to do), that wouldn't have happened either. I feel like such a failure.

    I don't mean to sound pathetic. I just wanted to see what your positive response would be. Hope you have a great weekend. Oh, and I guess I should include something that I'm proud of myself for (even though I'm not sure I deserve it after last night). I guess I'm proud that I actually logged those two chocolate snacks, even though I just wanted to forget about them and leave them off my diary, but I realize I'm not helping myself by doing this.

    I love your gorgeous dog on your profile picture, by the way.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Traci, first of all, you do not, in any way, sound pathetic! This struggle with BED, is a long-term fight. It is a choice we have to make every day, and sometimes every second. Sometimes we win and often times, we don't. But the key to success here is progress, not perfection. Don't give up because of a mistake, or many mistakes. They are going to happen no matter what, but the difference is made when you decide to keep trying.

    Please take me for example. I've had great runs of >30 days binge free. I also have days where I fight with my sister or husband, or a stressful work week from hell and throw that b-free streak right out the window.

    That stress, anxiety, fear, loneliness, whatever is driving us to hurt ourselves in this way, those stressors will always be there. My hope, is that with each battle, I can become just the tiniest bit stronger for next time.

    Wow I am rambling, someone stop me! :tongue: Traci, I am proud of you too for logging those chocolates. Something that I still struggle with today is being totally honest with myself when I fail. It is great that you were able to face it, and now you can move on. Great job :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for taking a different direction on my usually-lazy Sunday. 80 minutes of hiking through a natural area during this fantastic cool-front :) I can't wait for fall!
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you so much for all the kind words. It was so nice to hear your perspective. Everyone in my family is thin so I always feel like the oddball; fat and out of shape. It is so nice to hear someone say that I am doing good because I am logging what I'm eating (despite what it is) and that I keep trying. I agree with you; I think it's something that I want to tackle each day, no matter how bad the day before was. I hope this makes the difference between me succeeding and becoming a little stronger this time versus all the other times I gave up in the past.

    Excellent choice for a workout. I really love hiking, especially in beautiful places and especially in the fall. I love fall too!!!!!


    Today, I'm proud of myself for making my sorry butt get off the couch and go running (even though it wasn't for very long).
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Now then, I applaud you for your run! But that negative talk must go out the window :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for pushing an at-home weight workout yesterday. I often plan to go to the gym for weights since they have much more equipment, and when I flake out, I end up doing nothing. Not yesterday! 30 minutes of weight training, followed by 20 of easy stretching. A little stiff today but feeling good!

    This thread has been too quiet! Where is everyone at?? :D
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    This thread has been too quiet! Where is everyone at?? :D

    I'll add one. Went to E.D. counseling today. The Psychologist gave me the option of ending therapy, but I said let's meet one more time in a month to make sure I dont have a relapse. So I'm happy my counselor is satisfied with progress.

    I've been eating healthy, and have used wisdom in planning running workouts. Alternating hard and easy, long and shorter runs. Really the only thing that I'm still fighting is the urge to overeat cereals and oatmeal, especially at night when I'm not hungry by my energy levels are low.
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for....

    trying to find something to be proud of, haha

    There has not been much to be proud of lately, binging and overeating and no exercise and whatnot.

    BUT, I still have hope that I can turn it around tomorrow!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    26th wedding anniversary today! :) My wife is a HUGE SUPPORTER of my recovery. She loved me obese, she loved me tremendously thin, she loved me through all of bulimia, she goes all over the eastern USA to all my marathons, she supports me eating only veggies & cereal.... very blessed.