marleylouhou Member


  • Uggg so sorry you are having to deal with all that! I have really come to believe that the whole 'giant baby' thing is simply a way for dr's to scare women into doing what they want. Eating better, getting a c section, whatever. Our bodies are made to have babies, big or small! And unless you get to the end of your…
  • I always added 500 calories a day if I was breastfeeding full time. Actually I even think there is an 'excersize' that is breastfeeding and if you add that to you day it automatically gives you about 500 calories.
  • Just hit 16 weeks, Yah! I'm feeling so much better, the second time around has been much harder on me. I couldn't even think about excersize in the frist trimester but I'm thinking that I'll start going back to the gym at night here and walking and doing some weights. Maybe throw in some yoga at home too. Counting calories…
  • I gained about 35 pounds with my last pregnancy, however, i think it was kind of luck. I didn't work out and all I craved was fruit. For this pregnancy I started out heavier so I really don't want to gain too much either. Finally into my second trimester and am starting to feel comfortable with walking and getting some…
  • I'm about 5'8 and started around 160 with my first baby. Gained a total of about 35 pounds or so. I was two weeks past due and just stopped counting at my due date. hahaha. THIS time around I'm heavier (bummer) so I'd like to kind of just maintain the weight I'm at. I've gained about 10 pounds and am right around 182 right…
  • Hi! New as well. Due Sept 29th. I was trying to loose weight when I became pregnant and now have been gaining like crazy (at least thats what if feels like haha) so I'm coming back to MFP to help keep things 'under control'. When I asked our Dr he said it would be ok to gain somewhere around 10 pounds this pregnancy…