LiveLife13 Member


  • Great question--would love to see others' thoughts on this. I had my resting metabolic rate tested at our corporate wellness center (12-hour fast, breathing tool for 8 minutes, body measurements, etc) and it showed 1,176! Even lower than yours (I'm 48). Unless I'm working out every day to burn major calories (I do cardio…
  • Hi, I'm 5'5"-ish. I weighed about 135 a few years ago, and that felt good. Although because I'm small boned, I had to really work my arms so they didn't look sickly. 135-138 is a good place for me--that's size 6, some 4's for my frame (long legs). I'm at 154 now.
  • Vodka soda with lemon or Vodka soda with a splash of diet cranberry. Low cal and yummy!!
  • I'm at 1200 calories a day--supposedly to lose a pound a week--although it's really about 1/2 lb. per week or none. I generally speed walk (5mph) about 12 miles per week and do upper body weights as well. I'm 5'6" and weigh 153. My most comfortable weight is 138-140 lbs. I will get back there!!