It varies from person to person too. Depends on your fitness level and the intensity that you are working out. I found when I purchased a Heart Rate Monitor that for some exercises my fitness pal was pretty close to the same thing but for others it is totally over and sometimes even less.
yeah I know the feeling but when I started to eat a little bit more not alot mind you I started losing too.
Keep in mind it gets more intense every two weeks and the level gets stepped up further when you change phases. Listen to your body. You will be very sore the first two weeks for sure if you are doing it right because you are working muscles you have not used in ages. If something feels like its being pulled too hard or…
I agree with you on the comment to newbies to just keep working at it because even if you can't do it perfect like the athletes or even as many times you are still gaining strength. I also advise not to go by other people's results because no one is built the same and no one's body is going to act in the same way. Just…