ladyace15 Member


  • Awesome arms and smile :-)
  • I freeze, try to wake my husband, sit up, try to wake my husband, listen, try to wake my husband, actually get him up, he goes to check, comes back and lays down, I ask are you sure ten times, get up and go check again, check my knives, make sure my kids are fine, go to the bathroom and head back into bed!
  • @Spicypepper Katie Holmes HANDS DOWN!!!!!:drinker:
  • Mine would be Major Third, LMBO I kinda like it :laugh:
  • Awww thank you, I will be 28 this October:drinker:
  • Solarpower03 I would have to say physique and you look about 28 (based solely on your below the neck pic) :wink:
  • If you are truly worth anything to him, he would indeed make the time for you! If your time is being wasted without the courtesy of even a text or a phone call, then you should move on to bigger and better things! One tell-tell sign that he's just not that into you, when anyone in a relationship always uses that threat,…
  • CameoDouglas 18? You look really young :-)
  • Sophia to Blanche: "Beat it you 50 year old mattress!" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • I wouldn't because men have to go through so much mentally. They have to go through so much to be the rock of the family, I think I would have a hard time not being able to or feel like crying! :sad: (not saying women don't have to do the same, but it's expected of the men)
  • Classic line! They always took great jabs at Blanche! Rose: "You've been with more drunken sailors than... (looks to Dorothy for input) Dorothy: :A nautical toilet!"
  • One of my other fav.'s The perfect line from that episode came from George Devereaux: Blanche: "I saw them put you in the family mausoleum" George: "Well what can I say Blanche? Thanks!" LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • "See the world, sleep with Blanche Devereaux!" sounds like a nifty campaign ad!!! LOVED IT!!!!
  • That "Murder Mystery Weekend" episode has got to be my all time favorite episode!!!!! Brilliant writing from beginning to end!!!! Blanche:"My, my sir, your sweet words can charm the morning dew right off the honey suckle!" Dorothy: "Not now Blanche! Blanche:"If not now, then WHEN?"
  • It comes on the Hallmark channel from 12:00am- 2:00am and 8:00am-10:00am:laugh:
  • Lmao!!!!! Loved that line!!!! "I'll punch your heart out HaHa!"
  • It happens to me as well! I have been doing well for a straight week, but a few things started happening within the last two days and it has thrown me off :sad: I am hoping tomorrow will be brighter and better:wink: , but what helps me with those late evening cravings is a tall thermos of caffeine free lemon tea! It…
  • "What you mean you don't eat no meat!" My Big Fat Greek Wedding "You are my Inspiration, Alma, Ilene, Evette!" Pillow Talk "Sexual Chocolate!" Coming to America "I always assumed you had sex with your bathers, I know I do!" Coming to America "Keep em' under your thumb Goof, don't let him fool ya with that buddy buddy act…
  • Bottom line is this: He does not want you to be "eye candy" at any competition for many oogling guys to see you in a bikini! PERIOD!!!!! It's not about him not thinking you can do it, he is just not very secure within himself to tell you the truth about how he feels. Men can love the heck out of you, but some just have a…
  • Flirt: You are beautiful and your smile is amazing! Creeper: I like your smile lil momma, so I'm saying, what's up tonight? OR I can give you something to really smile about! Me: I can give you five seconds to get the h3ck out my face! SMH:laugh:
  • Can I get a HELL YEAH!!!! What you have is way more than a bikini, you have the CONFIDENCE to rock this and that says more about you then anything else!!! Some people that wouldn't don't have the confidence in themselves to do it! Confidence=Sexiness :-) You go girl:drinker:
  • You look awesome!!!!! Congratulations and keep up the great work :-)
  • Thank you so very much :-) I'm a work in progress, but I've also learned that I'm worth it! We are ALL worth it! :happy:
  • I am a night owl, which in my case (having two sons and a husband to wake and feed) really isn't the best idea! I can't seem to shake it though, so here I am 2:43am on the east coast and wide awake :noway: I am also on a weight loss journey, that I have absolute faith in accomplishing!!! The people on MFP have been very…
  • In a nutshell, if she is a good girl, doesn't give you any problems, does well in school, then let her wear them! Not because she will like them, but because you will allow her to learn from her mistakes! More than likely they will hurt like heck and she won't want to put on another pair for a while!!! Especially if this…
  • Knowing that I deserve better is what motivates me!!!! My husband and my children motivate me!!!! I want and need to be around for a long time to enjoy them and also enjoy my life. Just last night I was feeling pretty bad all of a sudden and I was going to just say hey, I can do this tomorrow, but then a voice told me to…
  • Easily, 600.00 a month for 2 adults (one being a VERY hardworking man) and two little boys (both who have VERY high metabolisms and eat like grown men sometimes) LOL. We mainly eat fish and chicken and maybe twice out of the week beef. My husband has to have his tea, I have to have tilapia, my oldest son has to have…
  • the next person is tall false The next person has gone skydiving
  • YUMMY!!!!!!!!! You all are making me look forward to breakfast a little more!!! Thanks:drinker: