makenziewhicker Member


  • I suggest changing your meal names to: Meal 1 Meal 2 Meal 3 Meal 4 Meal 5 or for example I wake up at 6:30 and I have a meal about every 3 to 4 hours so I do 6:30 10:00 1:30 4:00 8:30 You need protein, I would say to get a protein powder or some pasteurized egg whites for additional complete proteins. people are so…
  • Egg whites would be a better alternative, just scramble them or use egg whites instead of water with the protein powder, it tastes so much better. Protein is great I drink a cup of eggwhites in the morning and eat some oats and i'm full til about my 2nd meal which is about 3-4 hours later. just remember small proportions…
  • i was just trying to point out a fact that weight training does burn calories. It burns more calories than just sitting on your butt.. Regardless the study people are SO worried about how many calories they are burning a day, point is, KILL it in your weight training lift heavy and get sore, do cardio, and eat healthy.…
  • The Harvard Medical School estimates that weightlifting generally burns between 90 and 133 calories per hour, while high-impact aerobics burns between 210 and 311 calories per hour. Nevertheless, by using lighter weights, increasing repetitions and shortening rest times, weightlifting can be turned into an aerobic…
  • I was diagnosed as well, they expanded my esophagus.. strange though, after i had my gallbladder removed I haven't had issues and ever since I have been eating healthier across the board I haven't had any symptoms. I don't take medication anymore.
  • You're not eating enough throughout the day. I suggest changing your meal names to: Meal 1 Meal 2 Meal 3 Meal 4 Meal 5 or for example I wake up at 6:30 and I have a meal about every 3 to 4 hours so I do 6:30 10:00 1:30 4:00 8:30 You definitely need more protein, I would say to get a protein powder or some pasteurized egg…
  • YES! I listen to that probably 5 times during my cardio sessions!!! I get lost in the song! Makes cardio go buy super quick! Glad i'm not the only one!
  • Bass Cannon - Flux Pavillion Goin' In - Birdy Nam Nam (Skrillex goin' hard mix) Good Fu***ng night - Roscoe Dash Loud - Mac Miller Make A Toast - Dolla No quitter, go getter - lil wayne Woo Boost - Rusko Up in here - la da boomman Hold on - Rusko I run - Slim Thug Adrenaline Rush - Twista Just to name a few
  • Create a cheat day, something to look forward to and plan it out. Plan it out for each week and choose one meal that you want to eat but eat clean that whole day and then eat. Mind over matter as cliche as that is. Get a chocolate protein shake or some flavor you like to help with the sweet cravings. eat more fiber to keep…
  • I personally find it great when hearing other peoples taste in music. I think it's a wonderful opportunity to hear artists that apply to your taste that you haven't even heard of before. I think you spent way too much time analyzing her question to be honest.
  • TEXAS ROADHOUSE! They dip their rolls in butter like 6 times throughout the day before they serve them!
  • Bass Cannon - Flux Pavillion Angels & Stars - Eric Turner Be Like Water - Sarah Fimm Boomerang - Dj Felli Fel Breathe me - Sia Don't Wake Me Up- Chris Brown Crystallize - Lindsey Stirling Feel the Love - Rudimental Frisky- Tinie tempah Goin in - Birdy Nam nam intro- the xx in for the kill - la roux (skrillex remix) let's…
  • --This lady at my work claims she is dieting, she'll mix herself a protein shake and then go down to the cafeteria and cook up 2 pieces of white toast and put loads of butter on them. I see her go down to the cafeteria multiple times a day, the don't offer veggies or fruit down there, the best thing you can possibly get is…
  • Kick butt! Free weights is the best!! You hit so many different parts of your muscle. Also free weights lets you contour to your body, your not sitting in a machine that is made for everyone. Start light to get your stabalizing muscles and you're golden from that point on! I used to be a strictly machine girl but If there…
  • You and I are very similar. EAT! don't be afraid to eat! Especially because you have started to weight lift. You will be sore everytime you lift especially your first few sessions. I've added a lot more fiber into my diet because I have the same problem! I just bought Chia seeds today which offers omega's 5 grams of fiber…
  • I'm 5 foot 7 147 lbs. I have size 11, 9, and 7 jeans. Mostly because of my thighs, the 11's fit perfect on my thighs but tend to get loose around my waist during the day. the 7's are a little tight and the 9's seem to fit pretty perfectly.
  • if you're referring to my post, I did not say a protein after a work out was not effective, I stated a protein shake would be less effective than a pre-cooked protein such as tilapia or chicken. If you honestly think a protein shake or better yet chocolate milk will benefit you after a workout over a prepared protein…
  • I may have to try adding strawberries, that may be the game changer!!
  • I am not a huge fan of kale unless I make kale chips! It has a lot of nutritional value though and I figure if I can't taste it, I might as well add it!
  • Egg whites! Egg whites! It's incredible. When trying to lose weight you should stick with a lower carb diet, if you do have a carb always include protein with it. Protein is the only thing you should eat alone. Whole eggs is a complete protein but I choose to stick with just plain egg whites. Tilapia is a really good diet…
  • EAT EAT EAT! Eat until you sleep! personally i stick with 2 eggs before I go to bed, I fluctuate between hard boiled and fried. If you choose to do a carb choose a healthy one high in fiber. Maybe oatmeal or a 1/2 cup of brown rice or quinoa. When you sleep your body is doing all the recovery from that day so if you weight…
  • Try all natural almond butter! A much healthier fat and I just eat spoonfuls of it! :) & with celery
  • Sushi! I had a crystal crunch roll! num num!
  • I don't understand why you refuse to lift weights. If anything, according to the information you have given you should be lifting weights and stop thinking about losing weight. Weight training won't make you a bodybuilder, it will tone what you already have and build what you have a lack of. You should probably be a little…
  • Before a lifting workout I eat about an hour before and It is only protein, usually a cup of eggwhites that I just drink raw so my body can absorb quicker or 4 oz of chicken. After a workout only drink a protein if necessary. Truth is, depending on the type of protein powder you are buying you're only going to absorb about…
  • I would first choose a rest day. Once I decided my rest day I decided to choose a body part that I want to improve the most, for me I want firmer glutes and tighter legs. I train legs 2 times a week I train them on Sundays and Thursdays. My off day is Wednesday. Sunday- Legs Monday- Back Tuesday- Biceps and triceps…