

  • Watch the documentary Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World and you might think twice about those artificial sweeteners everyone. Try using Raw Agave Nectar, it's a zero glycemic sweetener, is just as sweet as honey and no aftertaste. Also, honey that has been pasteurized is no different from cane sugar, so be careful. It will…
  • Sometimes your body craves what it needs. Maybe your diet is out of balance, who knows. Don't give up. One binge doesn't ruin your progress. Just try to make better choices tomorrow. I almost just ate a cream filled donut (and I'm a celiac, allergic to gluten) but instead I ate 12 cherries. But I can't say I won't binge…
  • I have the same problem. Zero support, and I've taken on a completely new diet change, but I am still expected to cook for him and the family, even though I can't eat anything that I cook for them. I asked him for help with meal prep for the family because I am exhausted with my 800 calorie a day detox diet and 4 days a…